Chapter 32: The Truth

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It's the day of the next Hogsmeade weekend

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It's the day of the next Hogsmeade weekend. Theo wanted to stay behind with me, but I made sure he went. So, he did go to it and I'm left on my own. Well, I have my brother, but since when do those count? I'm walking with Harry down the hall as he sighs.

"Wait right here! Don't move!" He says to me as he runs off.

"Harry!" I said, calling out to him as he ignored me. Where is he going? I sigh and wait for a couple of minutes. I'm just about to give up on him when someone grabs my waist. I try to scream, but they've covered my mouth as well. They pull me under this cloth and I turn around to see Harry. I stare at him. The invisibility cloak. Of course. I roll my eyes at him as he smirks and lets me go.

"Did I scare you?" He asked me. I scoffed at him.

"Of course not!" I say, so indignantly. He raises his eyebrows. Ugh.

"Alright, maybe a little." I said, admitting it to him. He chuckles and we head out into the grounds, trying to sneak into Hogsmeade. We walked past Fred and George, who were trying to build a snowman, when they suddenly lunged forward and grabbed us.

"Guys, let us go!" Harry and I yell.

"Clever, guys, but not clever enough." They say. Harry and I struggle, but they're too strong. They lead us towards a sheltered part and then, they take the cloak off us.

"We were trying to get into Hogsmeade!" We say to them. They chuckle.

"We know. Here." Fred says, thrusting a bit of parchment into my hand.

"What's this rubbish?" I said, asking them. They laugh.

"What's this rubbish? She says. This here is the secret to our success." said George.

"Watch this." says Fred, taking out his wand. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He took out the parchment with his wand and immediately, words appeared.

"Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, purveyors of Aids of Magical Mischief-Makers are proud to present the Marauder's Map." I read from the map.

"Open it." says the twins. I do as I'm told and gasp. It's a map of the whole school. And not just any ordinary map, this map shows everyone on the school grounds and where they're going. I stare at them in shock.

"How..." I trail off.

"Nicked off Filch. First year." They say as I stare at Harry. He catches my eye and we smile. This will definitely come in handy!

"There are seven passageways out of the school, but we recommend this one. The One-eyed Witch passageway. It will lead you straight to Honeydukes' cellar." says Fred.

"Oh, and when you've finished with it, just tap it and say 'Mischief Managed'. Otherwise, anyone can read it." says George. I hug the twins as a thank you, and then, run back up to the castle with Harry.

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