Chapter 26: Purple With Tentacles

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Terrible. Holidays are terrible. Again. Yay. Harry and I have been made to do more chores than we've even thought possible ! And we still get hardly any food. I swear that I've lost so much weight, and that's not necessarily a good thing. And when we're not doing any chores, then we're in our room, being ignored.

The good thing about this holiday is that we don't have any locks on our doors anymore and there are no bars on our windows. That means Ariel and Hedwig can fly freely out of the window, sending letters to our friends. I mainly owl Beth, Hermione, Theo, Blaise, and the Weasleys, but Draco has started writing to me too. I don't really know how to reply to his letters. I mean, I've forgiven him for the moment, but that definitely doesn't mean we're friends. More like not exactly enemies.


How are your holidays going ? I hope the muggles aren't treating you as badly as last time. My father says that all muggles are scum, anyway, so I don't think you should worry about it. I'll understand if you don't reply to this letter, but I did mean what I said last year. I'm sorry for being a jerk.


That's what he wrote. See what I mean ? How am I supposed to reply to that ? Ugh. I'll just leave it.

"Potters !" Uncle Vernon calls from downstairs. I look at Harry. What have we done this time ? I get up off the bed and follow my brother downstairs. Speaking of my brother, he's still my "big bro". I still have to admit that he is a good brother to me, and that I hope the Dursleys can actually grow a pair along with being nice to us.

As soon as we arrive in the living room, the Dursleys turn to us.

"Your aunt Marge is coming for the week. She will be here tomorrow and will leave next Friday. You two will be on your very best behavior ! You understand me ?!" He spits. I narrow my eyes into the ground. Marge. I hate Marge. More than Draco and Pansy. More than Lockhart. She's vile. She makes life worse for me and Harry. Even more like hell than it already is here. Harry holds up a piece of paper. Ahh, our Hogsmewde forms. Yes ! Third years get to go to Hogsmeade this year ! And I honestly can't wait for it !

"Will you sign these forms for us ?" My brother asks him.

"What are they ?" Uncle Vernon frowns.

"School stuff." I said. Uncle Vernon frowns.

"Maybe. At the end of the week. If you both behaved." He says. "Now, go ! Get out !" Harry and I oblige, running back upstairs. Oh, that's another thing about these holidays. We are allowed to have our trunk and wands upstairs ! Not that we're allowed to use our wands. Anyway, I've been reading for most of the holidays while I'm not doing chores. I look at Draco's note on the bed and pick it up.

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