Chapter 11: Forest Frenzy

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Cosmina Potter, your detention will take place tonight at 10 p

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Cosmina Potter, your detention will take place tonight at 10 p.m. Meet Mr. Filch in the courtyard.

I read my letter from Professor McGonagall at breakfast and rolled my eyes. Great. Just what I wanted.

Beth looks at me so sympathetically. I just sigh and glance at Draco. He has the same note. Yay. I met up with Harry and Hermione during classes and they told me that they have it too. I feel sorry for them and Neville. They lost 150 points in one night for their house. I've heard that everyone is treating them so terribly. Everyone apart from the Slytherins.

I headed down to the courtyard that night with Draco. We aren't talking to each other because of what happened. Harry, Hermione, and Neville are already there. I immediately go and stand next to them. I grabbed Neville's hand and squeezed it. He smiles at me so gratefully. Filch comes in, wheezing and leads us down towards the forest. He's rambling about the good old punishments. I zone out until we arrive at Hagrid's hut. He smiles at us.

"Alright, Harry, Hermione, Mina ?" said Hagrid, asking us. We smile and nod.

"I wouldn't be too friendly with them, Hagrid. You've got to have your wits. Going into the forest after all..." said Filch.

"The forest ?! I thought that was a joke ! We can't go in there ! There are werewolves !" said Draco, screaming in fear. I chuckle. So, werewolves are his downfall. Or maybe it's one of his weaknesses.

Filch turns around and wanders off towards the castle, leaving us to follow Hagrid into the forest. We walked for a while. The trees become more dense and the light becomes less bright. Then, we stopped walking. Hagrid bends down and holds something up in his fingers. It's a silvery liquid.

"See that ? That there is unicorn blood, that is." He says. "Now, I found one dead a while back and this one's been hurt badly. Our job is to look for the poor beast. We'll split into two groups. Harry, Hermione, you'll come with me. And Mina, Neville, Malfoy, you'll go off together too." I groan in despair.

"Alright, I got Fang !" said Draco, gesturing to Hagrid's pet.

"Fine, but just warning you, he's a bloody coward." said Hagrid. Draco's face falls. I smile to myself. We split off while I was still holding on to Neville's hand. He's shaking and he's obviously scared. I go to console him, but someone grabs me and yanks me out of Neville's grasp. I go to scream, but someone covers my mouth.

"Mina !" Neville yells, sending up red sparks. "Mina, where are you ?" I looked behind me, and I saw Draco, laughing his head off. So, I slapped him in the face.

"Did you seriously think that was a good idea ? You scared Neville and me ! You're such an idiot !" I said, yelling at him so angrily. Neville comes running over to us.

"Are you okay, Mina ?" He asked me. I nod.

"I'm sorry, Neville. This brat decided that it would be fun to prank you." I said, giving Draco a mean glare.

Hagrid, Harry, and Hermione came running over to us.

"What happened ?" said Hagrid. I folded my arms and glared at Draco, making him explain. After he's done explaining, Hagrid and Harry glared at him.

"Right. Time for a group change. Neville, you'll come with me and Hermione. Harry, you'll go with Mina and this idiot." said Hagrid. Harry obliges and I give Hagrid a grateful smile. We walked off again.

"Stay away from my sister." said Harry, growling at him. He smirks.

"Or what ?" said Draco, asking him. I roll my eyes.

"Seriously, guys ? We're doing this ? Geez, you're so mature." I said, so sarcastically. Harry smiles and walks with me. Draco walks to my other side, complaining about this. I turned towards him.

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy, or I'll shut it up for you. No one cares about what you think anyway." I said, so sassily. Wow, I'd just like to note that it was my first time calling him by his last name. He seems to have picked up on it too, because he looks at me for a minute. He then shuts up and keeps walking. Harry smirks. I gently nudge him in the ribs. He smiles and nudges me back. I laugh. Harry smiles, but he clamps his hand over my mouth.

"Shut up, sis." He said to me as I rolled my eyes and nod, indicating that he can let go and he does. Good. We keep on walking. I pat Fang as we go along the trail. We soon come to a clearing and I stop dead in my tracks, holding my arms out to stop Draco and Harry too. They looked at me and then at what I'm staring at. A hooded figure is draped over a dead unicorn, drinking its blood. Draco screams and runs away, grabbing my hand and pulling me away. Fang runs ahead of us.

"Stop ! We have to go back ! We can't just leave Harry there !" I said, slowing down. We stop running and he looks at me weirdly, but he still has a firm grip on my wrist, so I can't escape.

"Why would I risk my life to go back for him ?!" said Draco, asking me. I sighed.

"Look, I never said that you have to go back, but I do. He's my brother !" I say. Draco still has a hold on my wrist. I look at him, pleading. "Please, Draco." I whispered to him. He looks at me and sighs.

"Come on, then." He says, pulling me after him as we go back. We arrive back at the clearing to find Harry talking to a centaur. I ran up to him and put my arms around his neck.

"Are you okay ?" I asked him, so quickly. Harry nods.

"This is where I leave you, Harry Potter." said the centaur. "You are safe now." And with that, he gallops away. Hagrid, Neville, and Hermione arrive soon after, with Fang following them.

"Alright, Harry ?" said Hagrid, asking him. Harry nods and explains what he saw.

"So, you mean, that was Voldemort." I whispered to him. Harry nods at me, so gravely. I shudder and hug him so tightly. He smiles.

As we walked out of the forest, I hung back with Harry and Hermione, talking to them.

"So, we were wrong. Snape doesn't want the stone for himself. He wants it for Voldemort." said Harry. I sigh, still thinking that Snape's not the culprit, but not wanting to bring it up. Harry turns to me.

"I can't believe you got him to come back, Mina." He says to me as I frown. "Malfoy." He elaborated. Ahh, right. I shrugged my shoulders at him.

"I didn't want to leave you there and he wouldn't let me go, so I dragged him along." I said, so simply. Harry and Hermione share a glance. "What ?" I asked him.

"Just stay away from him, alright ?" said Harry. I sighed, so sadly.

"Well, it's not exactly easy, considering that we're in the same house, but I'll try to stay away from him. I've been trying to for weeks now, actually." I said, honestly.

The next day, I told Beth everything that happened during detention, including the part about the Sorcerer's Stone. She looks so shocked and worried about Harry. I also feel that way as well. I have a feeling that some things are not what they seemed to be and that life is going to get much harder soon. I'm probably right about it, as the end of the year exams are coming up. Yay !

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