Chapter 104

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Mehul's POV

Mahi's best friend came and I was shocked at what she said...

The moment she saw the picture, she looked very shocked as if she didn't know about it.

" Oh, God!! He kissed her?? I am sorry to say this uncle, but this man is bad news. I know Mahi likes him and I have tried to discourage her by reminding her again and again that he is not worth her feelings. He doesn't deserve a sweet girl like Mahi. But she doesn't listen to me. Though I know how he is, I can't hurt her too much, because she will not be able to tolerate it. "  She said.

" Exactly what do you know about him, that you can't tell Mahi?"  I asked and she looked very hesitant.

" Tell me, beta. I need to know. "  I insisted.

" He was in a relationship with a girl and she got... P.Pregnant. But when she talked to him, he denied having to do anything with her. Uncle, please don't tell Mahi that I told you this or she might never talk to me and please don't tell Ranveer while confronting him or he will make my life hell. "  she said. I was shocked to hear that and then I called him to meet me and I did all those things... Which I should not have done.

I was just too desperate to throw him out of my daughter's life. I was scared that he would break her heart one day with such scandals.

So I threatened him yet again because I had gone mad after hearing all that about him and wanted him out of the scene. However I had tried, but Mahi would not have listened to me, so the only open way was that he break her heart now then later with a bigger issue.

I was sure, he would not do such a thing, in fact, I saw a very very sensitive side of him. I was surprised to see that and I was about to let it be and leave everything on time and fate but just then I recalled what Mahi's best friend had told me.

But once it was done, I saw how hurt Mahi got, she didn't even want to go to her farewell party. And the next day, she said that she wanted to go to the USA. I sent her away as it would have been best for her and her obsession.

After about a week or so, I came to know from Rahul, that something had gone wrong in Ron's life, he had changed altogether. He had shut himself in his room and stopped talking to anyone and I realized that maybe his feelings for Mahi were genuine. But he was not the best option for her as he was not serious about his life and was a playboy.

That year he was doing his MBA and I was astonished to see that he did extremely well in his exams and topped the university. He got placement in a very big multinational company,  but of course, as Kapoors was a very renowned business family he decided to join the business. But I was shocked to see that instead of choosing his dad's very vast business, he chose Priya's business.

Why did he do that??

I asked Rahul about it and he told me that Ron wants to expand his mom's business as the rest of them were already doing good in their family business. He wanted to take Priya's business to the same height. I was not sure if it was a good decision or a bad one.

Despite my being rude and strict with him, he maintained the dignity of our relationship and always talked to me with respect what surprised me the most was that he never told anything to anyone, not even to Mahi or Manik.

I always looked at him with scrutiny to assess his feelings but he was always calm and respectful though he seemed to be upset with me after Mahi went away.

He kept his distance from me but still, he never said anything to me or anyone and it has been almost five years since that night at our place, but I didn't hear anything bad regarding him except that he was a playboy but I never saw him doing it so I recalled that him saying that he feigned it. He was not as bad as I had thought.

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