Chapter 75

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Mahi's POV

" Don't you think that we should check the durability of the furniture? " he asked with a naughty smile but I was so engrossed in my work that I didn't bother to know why he was smiling.

"  They have used very good quality wood and other things. Of course, they are durable." I assured him that we had known the makers for years.

Mom has been recommending their products to her clients and no one ever has any complaints. Their designs were beautiful and perfect in all areas.

" No, I am not convinced... it could be good for a girl but not for a newlywed couple. We may add it to the list of shortlisted furniture for Roohi," he said.

" Why?? If it is good for Roohi but not for Raj and Myra?? " I argued.

" This won't do... " he shook his head. 

" Why? " I asked.

" Try and understand... they are newlyweds,"  he said as if it was enough explanation.

" So?? This bed is so beautiful, it will look good in their room. What is your problem?? " I gave my reason and asked.

"  It will be very embarrassing if it breaks down in a week or two..."  he said with a naughty smile.

What was so funny about it?

" Are you out of your mind?? Why would it break down?? It is strong enough, that you can check the durability by yourself. " I retorted.

" God, help me!! How do I make you understand... listen, love, trust me, they need something more stable, as they are newlyweds and will make use of it, very frequently and... roughly. Do you want me to explain in more detail? " he said and I was absolutely tongue-tied. My face turned red when I got what he was saying.

What the hell?? He was a pervert of another level.

" You just suggested that I should check the durability myself, but I would need help to check that kind of durability. Do you mind, doing it with me? "  he asked with his killer smile and a wink.

"  Shut up!! Not another word. I am short-listing it and sending the picture to them. Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself. Let them decide on their own. " I said firmly but I knew that the colour of my cheeks had changed to a pink one.

"  Well, if you love it so much, I will select it for our bedroom, I will tell them to make it extra strong. And as it is I am not Raj who gets embarrassed easily. I don't mind if it breaks down on the very first night or in a week. "  he said with a wink. And I really didn't know what to do, I just wanted to pick up the bed and break it on his head.

More color was creeping into my face.

" RON!!!! Will you shut up?? Forget about our room...  I am never going to share anything with you. "  I said as I was getting embarrassed.

"   Say whatever you want, but I will make sure that you will share your home, room, bed, life, family, babies, and everything with me."  He replied immediately looking into my eyes.

" Get lost!! Your work is done here, I will select the designs and do the rest of the work."  I said firmly.

" No!! We still need to select the furniture for our room,"  he said holding my hand. I pulled it out of his hand.

" Your room!!! Not ours... mind it!  While you are here, select whatever you want. I am going."

" I want you to choose for... my room, after all, you are my... interior designer,"  he said with a wink.

He was winking a lot today and wanted to beat him.

I looked around and saw the salesman,  I asked him to get a  big hammer. He looked confused but went to get one.

" A hammer why?? A Thor fan?? Or want to prove the durability of the furniture to me in a boring way? "  he asked with a teasing smile.

" No!  I want it to break your head. " I replied with a smile. He grinned.

" C'mon, Ms Shah, you can't treat your first client like that. I have hired you to redesign my home and office, not my face. Select the rest of the items for my room, so that we can go home, I need to meet someone after that. "  he said.

" Whom do you want to meet? " I asked him but then cursed myself. Why do I need to know??

" Someone important to me... " he said with a smile.

Another date??

" Important? Who is so important?"  I asked as It was already getting late to meet anyone. And he was claiming that he loved me so who could be more important than me??

" You are getting very curious about me... "  he asked with a raised eyebrow.

" I asked just like that, do whatever you want, I don't care. You may go, I will take a cab or call the driver to pick me up from here. " I said looking away.

"  Why would you go by a cab when we both are going to the same place? "  he asked.

"  What does that mean? "

" I wanted to meet Manik, he must be upset and feeling alone, Rosh has gone and he is not on good terms with Viren, Sujal, and Raj. I must spend some time with him," he said and I nodded. Bhai really needed someone to talk to.

" Yes, it is a good idea. Thanks for that,  he has become very quiet and sad. Mihir and I don't like to see him suffering like this. Please try to make him normal. "

" You don't need to thank or say please for this, love, he is like a brother to me. Oh, correction !! I mean brother-in-law. " he winked again. I rolled my eyes.

" I dare you to say that in front of him. " I said.

" Sure love, I will tell him and even your dad within a week. As I don't want to be away from you now. " he smiled.

"Stop dreaming the impossible and do the needful. Just select the furniture. "  and he said that he had the picture would think about it and discuss it with me later on. We sent the pictures for Raj and Myra's approval and he made the payment for the office furniture and accessories and we came out.

" Hungry?? " he asked me.

" No! And even if I am, I want to eat at home. Take me to my home or I will take a cab. " I said.

" Fine, I will take you there, I said because I wanted to have dinner with you. "

" Sorry not possible. "

" It is possible sweetheart, I can eat at your place,"  he said and I exhaled my breath.

" Let's go!! I am tired. " I said.

We went to his car and he finally drove towards my home.


Good morning 🌞

Here is my next chapter, I hope you liked it, please let me know.

Please comment... only 4-5 people are commenting, I swear, it puts me off from writing more.

If I can write a chapter  daily, you can write at least a line for me.

Take good care of yourself and have a great day.

Chhavi ❤️❤️❤️

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