Chapter 59

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Ron's POV

" Oh, I am so sorry, Raj, I am sorry!! " she said.

" He is Ron, not Raj. I know we look alike, but it is easy to find out when girls are around. Have you ever seen me flirting with anyone?" Raj said with a smile, everyone smiled at his comment.

" Oh, sorry, Ron. But you must clean it or this shirt will get spoiled. " She said.

" It's OK!! I will get it cleaned later on. " I shrugged without looking at her.

But she was so stubborn,  I knew she would not stop there.

" No, I will feel guilty, Your shirt is spoiled because of me, and if you don't clean it right away, the stain will not go," she said.

Try to understand, love, I can't be alone with you. I can't even talk to you.

" It doesn't matter!! I will throw this shirt off after the party. " I said as I could not think of anything else. I just could not go with her to clean the shirt. 

" Why?? It is so good," she asked.

Awww, do You like it? I will always keep it.

"Mahi, let it be, If he doesn't mind the stain why are you forcing him to clean it? "  Manik said finally, he might have thought that I didn't want to leave all those chances to flirt with the girls present there.

"  Fine! Do whatever you want. " She was thoroughly annoyed with me and stomped her foot and went away.

I saw her going away but Just then she bumped into someone. It was the same guy who tried to kiss her and argued with her earlier.

What was his problem?? Why does he go and talk to her, every time he finds her alone? 

I was so annoyed with him but I  could not go there to teach him a lesson.

  He asked her something with a sarcastic smile. It seemed that they were arguing about something. My anger was rising but I could not go near her.

What do I do??

I really wanted to beat that boy to a pulp.

Just then she turned to look at me and our eyes met. Her eyes held many questions but I could not answer them as of now.

He again asked her something and my blood started boiling as I knew by now that he had proposed to her already but she had declined. But It seemed he had not learned his lesson. As he was still pursuing her.

If only I could go and teach him a lesson...

Hey, I can't go but Manik can. Yes, he has every right to take care of her.  I went near him and pulled him aside.

" Manik, can you see that guy over there with Mahi? " I asked.

" Yes, what happened?? "

" He has been bothering her for a long time, I saw him with Mahi at the pool party, he is not good, his intentions are not good, and I had to send him away. He was not even invited here but came as someone's date. He was bothering her about half an hour ago, and I sent him away again.  I think you should go and teach him a lesson. I swear, I would not have allowed a boy like him anywhere near any of my sisters. "

" What?? Really? I will go and talk to him. Why didn't you tell me earlier? Even she didn't tell me anything. "  He said getting angry.

" I took care of him earlier but now I have told you, you should throw him out of the party. " I said.

" I  will go and see what is the matter. Thanks for telling me. "  He said and rushed to them. Soon the guy went away and I took a few breaths. But that idiot Manik brought Mahi back with him.

Why?? She would again look at me with those beautiful eyes while I would not be able to even look at her.

Manik pulled her back to us. She seemed to be reluctant because she was hurt by my behavior. I again averted my eyes away from her.

" Girls, let's go, I will introduce you to some more interesting people. " She said to her friends enthusiastically.

Interesting people? I could not help looking at her as I felt she was quite excited all of a sudden. 

Yes, she was enthusiastic. Who was she talking about in particular??

" That's bad, Mahi. Who can be more interesting than us? " Shaurya asked.

" Why?? There are so many handsome boys here,  like Sahaj, Mohak, Siddh, Vihaan, Satvik... " she said with a smile.

What the hell!!!

What was so interesting about them?

Sahaj? Mohak? Vihaan?

They were interesting??

Bloody playboys!!!

And Satvik? Seriously?

She found him interesting? He was Satvik only by name otherwise he was a copy of Sahil uncle.

Mahi!!! Don't irritate me.

" They are more handsome than us? Oh, come on Mahi, don't say that, please take your words back and tell your friends that you were kidding. " Viren said.

" No, I am not kidding, They are very handsome, and at least, they are not as old as you all. " She said looking at me  I saw from the corner of my eye.

Mahi!! Stop it! Please!! I am not in a condition to take any more tension at the moment. Please don't hurt me with such things.

" Ouch!!! You are hurting us, Mahi. You are making us feel like old uncles. " Shaurya said making a long face.

" She didn't say that.. it is you, who feels that you are old enough to be called and treated as an uncle. " Saanjh said, coming towards us but she was looking at Shaurya.

Oh, my God!! She commented sarcastically just like Mahi. Was Shaurya talking about her all those years back??

Yes, I was almost sure... As Shaurya didn't reply. He was not one of them to let anyone have the last words.

No smart come back??

He looked very uncomfortable. Sujal laughed at him and teased him but he still didn't say anything.

Finally, Mahi left with Saanjh and her friends.


Good morning friends

I know there is only one chapter left but when I saw the size it had more than 3250 words. I can't add a chapter of even 1500+ at some apps. So my editor has told me not to add more than 1300 words in a chapter. So I had to devide it in 3 chapters.

I am posting one more chapters today. The third one will come tomorrow.

I hope you like it. Thanks for your love and support.

Please give this love and support to my new book at Readamo also.
Forbidden desires. It is different from Manik's book. Many new things are added to it.

If you want to read my old books, they are available on Kindle under the pen name Bobby Gupta. The titles are different but you can recognise them as the meaning of the titles are the same as the original.


It started with an Accident...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora