Chapter 63

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Ron's POV

I went to Ruhan and asked him how did he get them. He said that she gave them to me after the party at their place, but it escaped my mind and they were in my car. 

So she wanted to give me all of this.

But why would she do that after the party as she was very upset?

" Ruhan, you are hiding something, "

" No, why would I do that?? "

" But why did she give it to him after that night? I told her I had no feelings for her... she could have thrown them after the way I behaved with her, I can't seem to understand how she gave them to you. "  I said. He kept thinking for some time.

" Okay, fine!!  She didn't give them to me. "

" Then how did you get them? Tell me everything. " I said.

" I can't, Bhai, she was very upset and hurt. She didn't even want to talk about it, but I got them and gave them to you as you have a right to know,"  he said.

" Thank you so much, Ruhan, but please tell me... " I hugged him and said.

" No!! Please don't ask me. I can't betray her. I already betrayed her by giving all these to you. "  He said.

"  But if she didn't give them to you, how did you come to know about them, who gave them to you? " I asked.

" Enough!! Bhai, I told you what I could. Don't ask me anything else, I will not say another word. I promised her. "

Somehow, I had a feeling that he was hiding something important. But I knew he would not tell me at least not at the moment.


Finally, I decided to concentrate on my studies and career and I topped the MBA exam. Everyone was surprised that I topped and got even more marks than Raj. Who was very serious about the studies. But Raj was very happy for me just like anyone else.

I remained steadfast in my commitment to staying away from Mahi, even as my love for her continued to burn within me. I focused on my own personal growth, striving to become the man I knew Mahi's family wanted me to be.

During this period of separation, I engaged in self-reflection, cultivating qualities of responsibility, loyalty, and integrity. I wanted to present myself as someone deserving of Mahi's love and trust when the time was right.


After about 3 years I was pleasantly surprised to see her at the new year's party.

Was I hallucinating??

No! She looked real. I kept looking at her for I don't know how long, my eyes were getting filled with tears.

She was wearing a white gown and looked like an angel. She was back??

But When??

I was so happy to see her but she didn't even look at me. I had read every single letter and every page of the diary and knew how much she loved me, all I had to tell her was that I loved her too, with the same intensity. I went toward her but she excused herself from the group and went to join Mihir and stayed with his group. She was talking to Vihaan, Roohi and Gauravi.

Hell, why was she not even looking at me??

Mihir asked Gauravi to dance with her and they joined the floor and Vihaan was standing there with Roohi and Mahi.

Idiot !! He was talking to both the girls and flashing his smiles at both of them. I didn't want both of them to even look at him. He changed the girls like disposable crockery... Use and throw.

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