Chapter 92

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Mahi's POV

" What are you hiding?? " I asked. But he was still not looking at me.

" Ron??" I said and placed my hand on his cheek and made him look at me. His eyes looked full of emotions and tears.

" Tell me what happened that day... You had come to accept your feelings to me but... Something big must have happened, what was it?? "  I asked with tenderness.

" I don't want to tell you because you will not trust me and I don't want to hurt your feelings by telling you all that. "  He said.

" Where did you go when I sent you to my room to get that box?? Did my dad or someone stop you?? "  I asked reframing my question.

" Who told you that?? Ruhan?? I specifically told him not to tell you. " He got angry.

" But why?? Why don't you want me to know the reality? He told me as I insisted. He is your brother and my friend, he just wanted to make everything right between us. Okay, so I know that my dad called you and showed you the picture of us kissing at the pool party, so what happened after that?? "  I asked.

" Mahi!! Why do you want me to say anything if you already know," he asked.

" Tell me!! I have a right to know. "

" Don't you trust me?? "  He asked me.

" Don't dare to change the topic. What happened that day?? "

" What do you expect from a dad who had seen a picture of his princess kissing a guy?? " he said.

" He scolded you?? "  I asked.

" Scolded?? He punched me hard. "  He replied.

" And you got scared?? "  I asked him because I wanted to get the truth out of him.

" No, I told him that I love his daughter and wanted to marry her,"  he said. My eyes became large with his reply.

" And ?? "  I asked.

" And what? "

" What did he say? "  I asked.

" He said what any dad would have said ... To stay away from his daughter till she was old enough to get married. I had to agree to it,"  he said.

" Okay, and?? "  I asked.

" And what? That's it! "  He said. God!! He is still hiding something.

" How will you explain kissing that girl at our party?? " I asked.

" I am sorry, but I can't explain it, slap me as many as you want. But please forgive me for what happened that day. I can just assure you, that I hated to do that to you. I was madly in love with you. "  He said and I was going to ask him again but my phone started buzzing.

I ignored it as we were discussing something very important but the caller seemed to have something more important that could not wait. So I inhaled and exhaled with frustration, I looked at my phone screen. It was Dad. He was calling me continuously, so I needed to pick up the call.

" Hello, dad!! "

" Hey princess, where are you? "

" I am working at Kapoor Mansion, working on Raj and Myra's room. Why?" I asked.

" Okay, now wind up everything and come home immediately!! " he said.

" What? Why? "

" I have a surprise for you. "

" Awww. So sweet Dad, but I will come and see the surprise in the evening. "

" No! Come back right now!! I can't wait to see your reaction to the surprise. Come home, or I will come there with your surprise. "

It started with an Accident...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant