Chapter 62

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Ruhan's POV

I was enjoying the farewell party but somehow felt that everyone was looking at me or Mahi weirdly.

What could be the reason for that??

Maybe because they thought that we both looked like the most good-looking students who deserved to be crowned as Miss and Mr. School for the year but our school had stopped that trend about two years back.

Anyway, I looked at Mahi, she seemed to be very sad. But she was fine last night. I would ask her later on.

We all had food and after that, we all were going out when I saw many students gathered near the reception area. Just then I saw Mahi kneeling on the floor and crying bitterly.

What the hell??

I rushed to her and asked, "Mahi, why are you crying like this? " She didn't reply but Mihir came rushing to me and caught my collar. I was even more shocked at his reaction.

What was going on??

" Did you do all this?" He asked.

" What?? I don't even know anything. I just came here and I am shocked to see her crying like this. What happened? "  I asked.

He pointed at the notice board clenching his jaw. I looked at the notice board and it would be an understatement I say that I was shocked.

There was a big picture of Mahi kissing... Bhai??

Bhai and Mahi... Kissing??

Bhai?? I was not sure if it was Raj or Ron.

It has to be Ron Bhai as I knew she had a crush on him.

I went to see other papers pasted there.

Oh, God!! Who did that?? I would beat that person for humiliating her like this.

"  No, I swear, I didn't know anything about it. Or I would have already taken care of it." I said.

Mihir was angry beyond a point and he yelled at the students and told them to leave and they all left immediately as Mihir looked furious. But I could not go like this.

Mihir got wipes and water for Mahi to drink. Her friend helped her. While he and I rushed to the notice board and pulled everything off it and the walls,  Mihir picked up the cards, and diaries and threw them in an empty big cement planter outside the school. Then he asked the guard if he had a matchbox or lighter.

He was planning to burn them??

Mahi tried stopping him by pulling his hand, crying bitterly. But his face had an angry look, that I had never seen earlier.

" Bhai please, don't, I beg you. " She looked at me as if she wanted me to stop him but how could I do it?  Mihir was raging like a bull.

" Does he feel the same way for you? " Mihir asked her. But she could not say anything. He even looked at me but I  was unaware about it, so I shrugged.

Mahi kept pleading but he pulled Mahi towards his car and asked her to sit. And when she didn't, he shouted and threatened her that he would call their father.

She gave me another pleading look but what could I do when he was so angry? If it was Roohi in this condition, my brothers and I would have been equally furious.

He took the big picture of them kissing, burnt it, and threw it in the pot. Mahi started crying bitterly by then, he got into the car and drove from there at full speed.

I could not let all that burn, they were her emotions for my brother. I  looked around but the fire extinguisher was quite far off, in the playground, I could not go there as it would have taken time. Only the picture was burning by now and other things had not caught fire till now or maybe a paper or two had. I tried to find something first to get the burning picture away but when I didn't find anything I tried to extinguish the fire with my hand. I caught those burning papers in my hand and threw them away. I waited till it burned completely as it could not be saved but I didn't want to leave it in case it was left unburnt for others to see or use in a wrong way.

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