Chapter 32

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Mahi's POV

" Come on, Mahi,  say something!! Please listen to me, we both know that there's something between us. Please don't deny that you had a big crush on me and I have also developed some feelings for you." He said.

"  Look, it doesn't matter, how I recognize it, I just know it was you, that's all,"  I said, getting annoyed.

" By the way thank you. "

" Thankyou?? Why?? That I didn't throw your bouquet and chocolates on your face? "

" No! For giving me immense pleasure. "  He smiled.

" What nonsense! What are you talking about?  " I asked.

" You just called me Ron. "

" No! I didn't. "

" You did! "

" No way! "

" You did, princess, and I heard and loved it just like old times. " He winked. 

" Just shut up and accept that you sent them. "

"  Fine, it was me. But anything related to you, matters to me, tell me how you know my writing like the back of your hand. " He held my shoulders and there was only a space of a few inches between us.

" Leave me!! Yes, I had that stupid crush on you because I was dumb, but you don't need to remind me of my stupidity now and then. I do recognize your writing and knew everything about you as I was crazy about you at that time. But thankfully, I have gained some sanity now. Now leave me or I will slap you. "

" Do it! Slap me as many times as you want but talk to me, tell me what is bothering you. " he asked as if he didn't know.

" You!! You and your presence bother me. Please leave me. " I said.

"  Can we talk about us?  I think there's so much we need to clear up. Please,  Mahi, let's talk about us."  He pleaded.

" There's nothing to talk about, Ranveer. That was a long time ago, things are over years back. Let's focus on the project and being professionals.

"  Mahi, please, don't shut me out. I know, I made mistakes back then, but I've changed. I care about you, and I want to make things right. " He said leaning forward.

"  No! It is easy for you to say it but only I know what I have been through. You can't just waltz back into my life and expect everything to be okay. I have moved on, forget about those silly feelings." 

" They weren't silly, Mahi. I cared about you too, but I went through some tough times, and I didn't handle things well. I'm sorry for hurting you." He said

" Those feelings already made me suffer so much. I was so hurt that I literally wanted to end my life but I didn't, as my family would have died with me. Their love gave me support and strength to get over it." I yelled at him.

" What?? You wanted to end...? What the hell! Why?? I was drunk that night... I know it was wrong, but how could you suffer for years because of that? I think there is a lot of misunderstanding between us. ".

" Drunk?? What are you talking about??  When were you drunk?? Anyway, it doesn't matter now as It's in the past, buried deep under the ground. Let's leave it there."

" No!! We need to talk about it. Please tell me what was so hurtful that you even thought of ... " He was saying but he choked. I saw that he had tears in his eyes.

"  Mahi, please, tell me and give me a chance to prove that I've changed. I've grown up, and I want to be a part of your life again." He said reaching out to hold my hand.

It started with an Accident...Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu