Chapter 37

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Ron's POV

Once, no one was at home except for Raj and me and Pavani came to meet me and since Raj never liked her, he went to his room. Pavani and I were talking and after just 5 minutes Mahi walked in holding something in her hands. I was happy to see her and greeted her with a smile.

" Hey, Mahi!! How are you ?"

" I am good, I made a cake specially for you. I learned to bake a cake, so decided to make one for you as you like cakes a lot. " She said sweetly.

But her smile vanished as soon as she saw Pavani. I was so excited that she had baked a cake for me and since I didn't go to their home, she brought it to my place. I wanted to eat it with Mahi.

" Oh, Mahi, that's so sweet of you..." I was going to thank her but Pavani interrupted me.

" Hey, Ron, she baked a cake for you?  But why? " She asked me and that reminded me of the whole scenario and recalled Mehul uncle's stern warning. I had to break her heart.

" Thanks, princess...but you didn't have to do it. " I said but only I know how tempted I was to accept that cake and her feelings for me. I felt shattered and absolutely helpless but I was just 17-18 years old at that time and respected uncle as much as I respected my dad. I could not go against his will.

" Why not? If I am alive and well enough to make a cake for you, it is because you saved my life. I owe my life to you. Thanks for everything. "  She said and I felt like pulling her in my arms, but I had to control myself.

" That was my duty... Please don't think too much about it, even if it was someone else, I would have done the same, nothing special. " I said casually.

" I know, I am not special to you, but you have been my superhero, and will always be. " She said and I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to pull her in my arms and tell her that she was the most special girl in my life.

" Oh, Mahi. " I was totally embarrassed as I was hurting her feelings.

" Please try it and let me know how it is. " She said with excitement. But I had to make her understand that she was wasting her time and emotions on me.

" I am sorry but I can't eat this."

" Why? I swear, I know how to make it, mom has taught me. I swear, nothing will happen to you. It is safe to eat this. "  She said so innocently. In other conditions, I would have had it even if it was not edible.

" I am not eating anything sweet." I gave a lame excuse.

" Why?"

"  Just like that... I am avoiding sugar. Sorry, can't try it. "  I said avoiding looking at her cute face

" At least, try a bite of it. " She said sweetly.

" Sorry, Mahi! Why don't you have it? "  I said.

"  But I made it for you. "  She argued.

" Do you mind if I eat it? " Pavani asked. How can she ask such a question? I didn't want her to even taste the cake.

" Ron? May I taste it? "  She asked again when I didn't reply earlier.

" You may if Mahi doesn't mind it. "  I said.

" I got the cake for you, now it is yours, do whatever you want to do, eat, give whoever wants it, or throw it. " She said with a breaking voice, turned, and rushed out of my home.

Shit!! She was hurt badly. I didn't want her to do something to harm herself.

I called her name but she didn't stop and before I could stop her, she ran to her car, the driver opened the door, I hopped in and he drove out.

I came inside and saw Pavani still there.

" Pavani, I have to go somewhere, I think you should leave. "

" How about I have a piece of that cake before going? " She asked with a smile.

" Sorry!! But this one is for me. "

" But you just said... "

" Forget what I said, do as I said. "  I said bluntly as I had hurt Mahi and I was feeling very bad.

She stomped her foot and left. And I went to the kitchen and got a plate and cutlery. After I clicked many pictures of it, I cut a big piece and placed it on my plate and had it. It was very delicious and the fact that she cooked it, especially for me made it the best cake in the world.

I took a selfie while eating cake, wishing that I could show it to her someday, in the future, when we grew up. Raj came out and saw me eating cake and wanted to eat it too. I would not have shared it with anyone but he was my twin. So I let him eat it. He asked me who got it but I said a sweet girl made it for me. He shook his head and told me to mend my ways and not to break the poor girl's heart as if she baked a cake for me, she must be serious about me.

I wish, I could tell him, but didn't as he was very emotional, could have told our parents about it, and I didn't want that.

I was sure that she would not forgive me for that and will understand that I didn't feel anything for her. But I was surprised that she was looking for me, I was going to the canteen to join everyone when I saw  Mahi talking to Raj. She was looking at him with the same expression as she always looks at me. So I guessed that she thought him to be me. I  went there tip-toed and heard what she was saying. I knew in no time, she would call him Ron and Raj would tell her that he was Raj. So I left there.

I was avoiding her because I was already feeling guilty for breaking her heart on the previous day so I went to one of the rooms that was vacant. I didn't want to soften in front of her or her mentioning the cake in front of Raj.

I was in the room when all of a sudden a classmate of mine came to the room and she proposed to me to be her boyfriend, but I told her that I was not interested in anything serious.  She said she would not mind and would prove to be a very good girlfriend.

But I still denied it for obvious reasons and as it is, she had been flirting with all 6 of my friends, especially Manik, Shaurya, and Viren simultaneously. I told her to leave me alone but she placed her lips on mine. I was shocked for a few seconds that how she could be so desperate to have a rich and popular boyfriend.

I tried to pull back and tell her to leave me alone but she was leaning on me as if she could not stand on her own. I was pulling her away from me when I saw Mahi standing there.  I was taken aback by her sudden presence and the shock on her face felt a mix of surprise, guilt, and concern for how she might perceive the situation. I had not expected Mahi to witness such a moment, and I felt regretful for unintentionally hurting her.

She was holding her tiffin box which fell on the floor and she ran away, I got scared of her reaction and felt guilty about the effect of that kiss on Mahi. She was very young to witness me kissing another girl when she was absolutely crazy about me.  I was scared that she might...


Good morning 🌄

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know .

Take care of yourself and have a nice day.

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Chhavi 😍😍😍

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