Special Chapter II

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Short scene from Chapter 18:-

"You sure okay there?" Phayu asks poking his head up from couch watching his mate on their bed alone tossing and turning around for the last half an hour.

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine and comfortable! The most comfortable person ever if you ask, so no need to worry yourself for me, I'm just going to sleep now" Rain answers pursing his lips, turning the lights off.

He turns once again, not finding the position on the bed. His mattress somehow very uncomfortable tonight.

He punch his pillows, shuffling them again and again and once again laid his head closing his eyes when Phayu calls.

"You'll need to double your pillow under your head"

"I knew that!" Rain shot back as he re-arranges his pillow finally getting the right angle but still missing something.

"You could use another pillow between your knees for support" Phayu point out smiling in the dark when his angry little mate scurry's to do so.

"I knew that too!" Rain says huffing, but his heart did a little cartwheel knowing his mate knows things he didn't know about himself.

Before meeting his mate Rain had no problem sleeping on the hard floor without any comfort, he would sleep soundly for hours if he could on his old makeshift bed without any warm blanket but ever since he had met his alpha, life had turned 360 and now even when laying on the softest of pillow and luxurious bed he can't find any comfort.

Rain huffs in annoyance.

After a little while it was little quite in the room Rain finally settling but his body feeling little cold, he wrapped the blanket around him but the slight chill still remain in his body, when Phayu spoke up again.

"You know, body heat is the best option in heating a body in cold, the quickest method to do, do you want me to come and-"

"Don't you dare think coming to bed tonight, it's your punishment and I'm not cold" Rain snaps stubbornly closing his eyes.

Phayu smiles in dark, feeling giddy at his cute mate. But a little concerned as he knows his mate has yet to adjust with the cold of the mountain.

'You are trying to punish me but suffering yourself' Phayu thinks to himself.

"You have become so quite lately, you used to talk with me so much, you would tell me about your day before going to sleep, would chat for long hours..." Phayu drawls

"And suddenly you have become a social butterfly, chit-chatting and smiling and laughing with everyone here and there" Rain jabs and Phayu purse his lips trying to hold his laughter.

'Damn but his mate is the cutest when riled up or in this moment jealous.'

"But you're the one who told me to talk little more, and smile more with everyone" Phayu says in feign innocence, smiling in the dark.

"I never said to give smile at everyone, I just told you to not furrow your brows when talking, just behave like a normal person, not to charm everyone that comes up to you!" Rain snaps making Phayu smile wide "and stop smiling like a fool"

"But I'm your fool" Phayu says smoothly

"Just let me sleep" Rain grumbles closing his eyes.

A few moments later Phayu tip-toe to the bed with a wide grin plaster to his face. His body was singing and heart fluttering at his cute-little mate's act. He couldn't wait before he lay beside him and pull Rain over him.

He kept Rain's head on his chest, one arm snaked under his head and another on his dainty waist pulling closer and closer until Rain laid flat on his chest, legs tangling itself, caging Rain in between.

Rain tried to wiggle out but Phayu holds him close not letting him move not even a little bit.

Catching both hands on his single hand Phayu pins Rain hovering over him and just watch him with his all attention.

Phayu trace a finger from his brows, tucking a strand of hair away. Dragging his finger slowly, his finger slides down over his soft cheeks, trailing the fine jaw lines and finally reach the rosy plum lips.

Phayu couldn't resist that perfect bow lips that forever begged him to be kissed and Phayu gives a soft lingering kiss, chasing all the thoughts away from Rain.

"Now you know how I felt everytime you bestow your bright smile to anyone else, why I want to keep you locked to myself- just for myself, away from everyone, away from every eyes that can see you, from anyone that breathes your scent which is rightfully mine and mine alone." Phayu slowly says his lips just inches away tapping Rain's nose and circles his arms around Rain once again.

Rain sighs in his arms finally his heart warm and content. He didn't reply his alpha but burry his face at his neck, filling his lungs with the scent of his alpha. His heart melting like a hot wax.

"Rain, you're the only one for me, for now, for tomorrow, for the rest of my life and even after that, you are the one that I will forever belong to" Phayu whispers kissing his forehead and all anger douse from Rain.

"You cheated" Rain mumbles on his chest with a small voice, face flushing he listens to the rumble of the sound as Phayu laughs aloud.

"I will do anything Rain and reach any lengths to have you in my arms, because you're mine and I'm yours." Phayu says with seriousness tightening his hold.

No matter what happens his alpha's arm around him is the only thing that matters to Rain above anything.

Phayu is all he wanted and needed and with that thought Rain closed his eyes listening to the rhythm of the heartbeat of the man he is in love with, and finally drift to sleep with a smile on his face.


The End


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