Chapter 17

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Phayu hurried as fast as possible, heart pounding on his chest and in a few seconds reached at the foot of the woods where a small crowd was gathered and Sky was examining a body.

"Rain...?" Phayu stopped near them eyes wide in confusion

"Wounds are fatal, claws had dug deep in the skin" Sky calmly states cleaning the blood and hurried the body for further treatment, few members helping him.

"Poor soul, I hope she could overcome this attack" Few members whispers retreating one by one.

Relief washed over Phayu as he exhales a long breath. It was not Rain, but Ple. Phayu followed the path leading to healing house and after talking with Sky he went back to pack house.

He was crossing the main hall when he collide with his mate, Phayu grabs him holding tightly close to him.

"Phayu, what happened why you were so anxious?" Rain asks in his arms

"Rain, we thought-" "Where were you?" Phayu cut between Saifah and ask his mate.

"I was inside the library" Rain answers looking at the confused faces, he turn to look at his mate.

"You didn't take your stroll today?" Phayu asks and Rain shakes his head

"I wasn't going to I had some pending work at the construction area, new shipment was delivered late, I thought I would check on it tomorrow but then I realized I'd also forgot my map-holder there, I wanted to retrieve it. I asked Bali to walk with me but Daisy was sick, and I knew you will be mad if I went alone so I dropped the idea and went to library, but what happened, is Daisy ok?" Rain asks Bali not understanding why three of them look gloomy.

"She is fine now" Bali answers him

"Did Ple meet you after Bali left you?" Saifah asks to which Rain shakes his head in no.

"Phayu, what's going on?" Rain again asks "Ple was attacked" Phayu informs slowly. Rain gasps and Phayu gives little detail of her condition.

Phayu holds him gently when tears brim in his eyes "She's with Sky right now, go see her," Phayu says wiping the tears and Rain hurried away.

"Why did you say that it was Rain?" Phayu asks Saifah once inside his study.
"I heard it from Bali" Saifah pointed to Beta who hung his head.
"It's my fault alpha, I was about to take Rain when Riya informed me that my mate was sick, Rain assured me and insisted that I should go to her and I left him. When guard linked me of the attack, I assumed it was Rain because we were about to go out there." Bali says ashamed

"But apparently Rain didn't continued but somehow Ple did and got attacked" Saifah drawls out and ask "what was she doing there?"


"Take it easy Ple, here," Rain adjust the pillows making her sit comfortably Ple gives him a grateful smile. Rain watches her with soft eyes. Her tired eyes, fading imprint of fingers on her pale skin, split lips, chest covered in bandage where her attacker had attacked, he felt sad for her.

"If it's too much, we can do it another time" Rain says and Ple gives a small nod.

"Rain had drawn me some ideas for my room that I can make back at my pack and I wanted to see if it was complete, I went to find Rain, and since we had seen him enter the woods earlier with Bali while I was playing with Ed, I knew you'd gone to constructions as you have mentioned having some work there, so I also went there, but returned when there was no one, I was walking back when I was pushed on the ground, I struggled but he had a strong grip, I couldn't fight back he then tried to bit me, but I dodged but he clawed me and when I screamed he slapped me so hard that I blacked out. After that, I opened my eyes here" Ple recounts her story slowly giving each detail to alpha brothers.

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