Chapter 18

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"Rain is everything alright, need any help?" Pete asks coming inside the room where Rain was busy working.

"I'm good; it's almost finished just some final touch and done" Rain steps back after placing a flower vase and inspect his work.

"It's beautiful, you've done it again" Pete praised and Rain smiles.

"I'm so happy that Phayu have found you as his mate, I can't thank moon-goddess enough that she had given you to us, and that you'll lead this pack" Pete says as they step out of the house.

"It's nothing grand but I'll help Phayu to build our pack" Rain replies thinking, this is his new home and he will help and support to grow it anyway possible.

"I'm not talking here about Phayu to lead as alpha, but you to lead Thunder Howlers as a Luna" Pete clarifies and Rain stops in his mid-step.

"W-what? B-but you are the Luna, w-why- h-how, me? I'm just a little omega" Rain stutters surprised

"Breathe Sweetling" Pete softly pat his cheeks and continues smiling at the flustered omega.

"Rain you are not only a mate of Phayu but a mate of an alpha, didn't it occur to you that you'll be Luna one day?" Pete asks and Rain dumbly shakes his head making him chuckle "silly child, of course you'll become Luna when mated to an alpha. I remained in Luna position because Phayu had not found you but now that you both have completed your mate bond, it is time for me to step down and for you to take the position." Pete says and stops Rain holding his hand out "I know you are surprised right now, but it is a fact that you cannot run from. And as for you being an omega, so what? Being a Luna doesn't mean to be strong physically or have higher status. A Luna is someone who stands beside her alpha giving him the support to build and nurture their pack. I have seen you working your ass off to build this empire that many other power holders cannot think let alone do, but you a small, dainty little omega did, and what marvelous work you did" Pete praise looking around.

"But this is just-"

"This is everything Rain, you didn't just help building four strong walls but you put your heart in it for the people you've never met before. You could have just designed it and let others do the rest but you put effort in every single detail, why? Because it was for your own people. I've seen you playing with children, caring for pack-elders, bringing everyone together; helping everyone no matter how tired you are, calming the stubborn alpha, helping him easing his problems. And this all what a true Luna does. You are already a Luna Rain." Pete explains smiling softly "although I don't think you need time, but think about it." Pete says patting his hair.


"One might think you are avoiding alpha Phayu, what are you doing sitting alone?" Sky comments entering the room watching his friend lost in his own world.

"Sky did you also thought that I'll be a Luna?" Rain asks his mind still playing his conversation of Luna, and groans when Sky nods.

"What?" Sky asks confused watching his friend stressed "I had a conversation with Luna Pete this afternoon, he said he will step down from Luna position and that I should take it" Rain explains voice somber and Sky furrowed his brows not understanding "so, take it" Sky shrugs and Rain watch him dead in eyes.

"We are talking about Luna position here Sky, how can I be a Luna, look at me!" Rain hollers

"Yeah, you're little pale in complexion and your nose is also a little crooked" Sky muses looking at him head to toe, placing his fingers on his chin, making Rain gasp


"What I'm looking at you" Sky jest "I'm serious here" Rain says

"So am I, your nos-" Rain throws a pillow stopping him "I'm scared and my nose is not crooked" Rain huffs pouting making Sky chuckle

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