Chapter 27

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3 Months later...........

In the small dark room early in the morning silence meets Phayu as he stands there in the middle swapping his dark eyes all around him.

It was a gloomy day, the sun refusing to break the horizon, stretching the dawn some more.

No birds were chirping outside the window, no wind swirling around, nothing was there to show him that a life was present there, just a blanket of white covering the land, like it's protecting everything away from him.

For the first time in three months he had step outside from his room and had came here straightaway, the moment he stepped outside his room his feet automatically brought him here.

In these last three months, somehow everything around him remains the same yet had changed everything.

The once proud stance of his body now have a slight hunch of defeat, the piercing dark eyes that once shines bright lack the light as they remain dull and anguished; skin dull, a light facial hair grown, anyone can tell the once great alpha has lost in the storm.

Phayu drags a breath in his chest, the mere motion drawing his energy that he doesn't feel he have left any.

His world was thrown upside down but the cottage stays the same.

The same cottage he had prepared with love, to cherish the gift of his life.

The smell of their love was still contained by the walls and the faint soft smell of his mate lingered everywhere in the air like a soft whisper of lullaby.

His mate...Rain

Phayu's eyes glowed, jaw clenching and fists balling at his sides.


The love of his life,...Rain.

His beast howls in pain, clawing his insides to break free and destroy everything.

Phayu sighs puttting every energy to surpass the beast ignoring his best not to submit on the temptation of letting his beast wild-free like he had done on the first month, leaving nothing but havoc in it's trail.

He stands in-front the mirror an image of smiling Rain in this place flashed, the memory surfaced playing like a record the time they have spent together in each other's arm.

"Phayu if this happened again, you won't get mad at me for having mood swings? You will not leave me right?" Rain asked once finishing his soup covered in blanket, pouting his swollen lips.

Phayu chuckles wiping his lips with his thumbs as he caresses the cheeks which were glowing after their passionate activity.

"Never, even if you ask me to go away I'll never leave you, never" Phayu sincerely answers holding his eyes and Rain gives him his brightest smile, dazzling him.

"I want to be with you forever Phayu." Rain says in a soft voice. Phayu put the tray away and sits close on bed gently pulling Rain close and placing him on his lap.

"And we will be together forever" Phayu states kissing him softly.

Flashback ends

Phayu's blood boiled his anger rising high, he raised his hand throwing the vase near, smashing the mirror.

The pieces scattering everywhere, but the face didn't leave and neither did the memory.


A faint laughing sound of his mate whispered in his mind, and another memory pops up in his head.

"I was not running away from you, I just wanted to look around" Rain says on his third day of heat. He was feeling much better now but Phayu won't let him lift a finger.

"You will not leave me, ever, if you want to go somewhere, you will tell me and I'll take you there" Phayu broodily says as he circles his waist in his strong arms.

"How can I ever leave you, I love you too much" Rain says pinching his mate's cheeks as they sulk cutely.

Phayu puff up his chest as he smiles and tickles his little mate, the room filling with their laughter.

Slowly the memory fades and once again Phayu stood in the dark room, alone.

His body shakes as he falls on his knees as one by one his memories plays again and again.

"You promised me Rain, yet you still left me!"

Phayu cries his body falling down on his knees as he cries his mate name again and again.



Hurried footsteps entered the woods without stopping to look at the spectacular view of the snow covered land. Sky pulled his jacket close tightening his hold on the small basket, running straight until he reaches his destination.

He huffs stopping at the opening of a small field of snow covered valley. Smoke coming out his mouth as he takes a long breath steadying his heartbeat.

His eyes brimming with tears once again as he bend down to a small structure at his feet.

"Hey...don't cry again, please don't cry Sky" Prapai rubs his back holding him gently as he look around the area where small structure looking like houses were scattered on the snow covered field.

"He had built that I won't have any difficulty finding them...Rain had built these for me..." Sky breaks down tears rolling as he remembers the day he had planted the seeds and Rain had joined him.

He sobbed missing his friend- his brother.

Prapai holds his mate close as he cry harder, his heart paining seeing his mate crying and saddening for his cousin who was now a walking dead after that incident.

After sobbing for a while Sky wipes his tears and nose and stands starting the work for which he had come here this early in morning, to find the blue snowdrops.

The rare plant that holds the cure for their misery.


Sky sighs for the hundredth time as once again there was no sign of the flower.

They had started early in the morning and now it's noon, his back is tired with all the bending and crouching, his feet are cold but he still keep looking around, opening the door one by one and inspecting for the flower.

His hope only faltering more and more each moment he checks inside only to be dejected, now there are only few structures left for inspection.

His heart thudding with the nervousness and anticipation. Prapai pats his shoulder in encouragement squeezing it lightly.

Sky took a shaky breath and opens the last structure begging every goddess and spirits in the universe for the flower.

Sky's breathe hitches when his hope dies, his basket falling on the ground as there was a growing plant but no sign of flower inside the last structure.

" can't be, this cannot be true.." Sky shakes his head disbelieved and Prapai pulls him once again in his arms tears rolling from his eyes.

There last hope lost to them.



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