Chapter 12

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"You are a hero Rain" Siafah announces as they all circle the bed around Rain.
"How's Nathan and Riya?" Rain ask once Joy finish attending him.

"Nathan have a broken arm and a sprained ankle but he is healing just fine, he will be more fine if he could just sit and rest, he is busy telling the story of how he fought and demonstrating how Rain risk his life to save him and his sister to every single person he sees, making Sky and Riya busy scolding him to have rest, other than that everything is absolutely fine, now you too have some rest" Joy informs and takes her leave.

"You did great, sweetling" Pete says smiling sitting on the bed patting his head. "Like a true warrior" Vegas compliments, Rain watch smiling everyone that gathered around and watch his mate who was not looking at him, standing at a distance arms crossed furrowing his eyes. Rain sighs looking at his mate.

Pete reading the tension between the two makes everyone leave the room and pass a reassuring smile to Rain before closing the door.

"It was exhaustion.." Rain says breaking the silence

"I'm fine now.." Rain again tries when his mate doesn't respond and smile softly when Phayu cross the distance in two strong stride and sit beside him, holding his hand but still not saying anything.

Phayu gently caress the red marks on his hands, his mind in turmoil and his anger rising.

"I admit I was little scared at first but I had to do something.." Rain says withdrawing his hands and watch Phayu intently as he fuss around making the blanket cover every inch of his body. He was starting to feel hot with the blanket.

"Stop it, and talk to me" Rain says sitting throwing the blanket stopping Phayu from reaching it again.

"Phayu.." Rain softly calls, searching his eyes and smiles in relief when dark siren eyes met him.

"It's my fault, I failed to protect you" Phayu says hanging his head. He was ashamed that his mate had to suffer, he should have done something, if only he arrived sooner his mate didn't have to fight or face any harm on the brink on exhaustion.

He was so angry when he saw the rogue looming over his mate that he lost control and the mini heart attack he had when his Rain laid limp on his arm, he felt as if his world crashed down.

"Hey, you did nothing that sort of, look at me Phayu" Rain says scooting over holding his face close "you have saved me, if it was not you, who knows what would happen, I could have d.." Phayu close his mouth with his hands, eyes fierce shaking his head not allowing him to complete the sentence.

"I wouldn't be here if you didn't came, and you came, you saved me, protected me, then how could you say that you have failed? Am I not here with you?" Rain asks and Phayu pull him over his lap holding tight.

"I'm alright, perfectly fine, it was an accident, coincident that we stumble on rogue, but it's over, don't beat yourself it breaks my heart to see you sad" Rain admits playing with the collar of his shirt.

"You shouldn't have put yourself in danger" Phayu says watching his mate

"and what, let Nathan get beaten up and just stand there still" Rain deadpans

"we were on our way" Phayu informs circling his arms around his waist

"I didn't know that, I knew someone will arrive but I can't just saty there waiting for someone else when I can help somehow" Rain argues

"Why?" Phayu asks watching the spark in his eyes "What do you mean why? It's my pack, my members, just because I can't shift doesn't mean I can't help in a fight, and if the situation arrive I will fight again and give all to save" Rain declares.

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