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Your headache has dulled since waking up but is still slightly present, reminding you of your growing and burning hate for alcohol. "See, this is so much better." You tell Brooklyn as you show off the outfit she picked out for you. "Normal, easy to move around in, not so smelly."

Brooklyn adjusts the collar on your shirt. "I agree." She smells the air. "You smell good, too."

"I really like the deodorant and cologne Ana made." You say. "I hope she starts producing more of it instead of just some for today."

"It smells good. It would be nice if she made different ones." Brooklyn stole yours and put it on herself, too. "I don't want to smell like everyone else."

"You don't mind smelling like me," you point out. "You know you could have taken Clementine's."

"Yeah, but then I'd smell like her and whoever else put it on because you know she's sharing with Violet." Brooklyn moves you over to the mirror. "What do you think?"

"I told you what I think." You tell her. "I like this a lot better. It looks nicer... I do look good, right?" You want to look good.

"Yes," Brooklyn says seriously. "Clementine will think you look great."

A smile spreads across your face, completely involuntarily. You're happy.

Brooklyn punches you in the arm and smiles with you. "I'm so fucking happy for you. I can't believe you're getting married."

"Me either." You say, looking down at your feet. "I'm so nervous."

"Don't be," Brooklyn tells you. "There's no reason for you to be."

"She's too good for me."

"Pfft." Brooklyn waves your comment off. "That's stupid."

"I feel like it's true."

"She doesn't. I don't. You're just thinking about it too much."

"What if I fuck it up?" You ask.

"Why would you fuck it up?" Brooklyn asks.

"I don't know, I might fuck it up."

"You're not gonna fuck it up. And even if you do fuck it up, you can come sleep on my couch." Brooklyn grabs your shoulder. "You're gonna be fine. You're a great father, and you'll be a great husband because you're already a great boyfriend. On top of that, you're the best friend I could ask for."

You think the same thing of Brooklyn. When you were told you needed a best man, you asked for Brooklyn despite her not being a man. You wouldn't have let anyone tell you no. "Thank you, Brooklyn. For everything." You tell her. "I can't tell you how happy I am that I met you."

"Oh, don't flatter me," she says. "Flatter your soon-to-be wife later."

"I'm not flattering," you chuckle. "I'm serious."

"I know." She wraps you in a hug. "I fucking love you."

"I love you, too," you return her hug.


"Oh, fuck." You mutter as you stand at the top of the stairs heading into the admin building.

"Chill," Brooklyn says. "You're fine.'

"I don't like all these people staring at me." You whisper. There's a large gathering in front of you, only made larger because the wall that once stood around the courtyard has been mostly dismantled.

"Are you gonna throw up? Because that would be hilarious." She tells you.

"Maybe." You can feel the nervousness in your stomach. You didn't think this would be terrifying.

Ashes (Clementine X Male Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now