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You walk into your room after saying goodbye to Brooklyn. Clementine, Marina, and Diana are already awake.

Marina walks over to you with an angry look on her face and puts her hands on her hips. "Dad. Where were you?"

"I was seeing Brooklyn."

"Oh." She drops her angry look instantly. "Is she ok?"

"She will be." You mess Marina's hair up more than it already is. "Regan said she wants to show you the classroom today."

"Can we go?"

"Sure can." You tell her. "It's right downstairs."


"We can go right now." You look at Clementine. "Unless you need me."

"No. Take her," Clementine says. "I was going to take them to get something to eat."

"We can meet you two after." You tell her.

"Ok. We'll be in the courtyard."

You take Marina's hand, and the two of you start down the stairs. "Did you sleep well last night?" You ask Marina.

"Yep." She bounces down the stairs. "Clementine slept with us."

"I'll sleep there tonight." You tell her.

"I wanted you to stay there last night."

"I was staying with Brooklyn." You turn down the hall to where Regan has set up her classroom. You enter, and it looks slightly different from the last time you were in it.

Regan turns when you enter. "Marina!" Marina runs over and hugs her. "I missed you. How are you?"

"Good," Marina tells her.

"What do you think of the classroom?" Regan asks Marina.

Marina looks around. "It's cool."

"Is it?" You chuckle.

"Yes." Marina squints her eyes at you. "It's cooler than your bandage."

"You're right." You give her the victory without much trouble. "Given any thought to teaching the adults who didn't go to school?" You ask Regan.

"Yeah. I've been looking around at some of the stuff we have, and I think I could pull it off. We wouldn't be able to cover as much as I could with the kids because you're adults and you have other things to do, but I could do it... There's a lot of you, too, so I'd have to split the class up and do separate days."

"Sounds like you have your work cut out for you." You're not sure how interested in it you are... But Marina and Diana may get way smarter than you if you don't do it.

"You're gonna go to school, Dad?" Marina asks you excitedly.

"Looks like it."

"Oh, you're gonna love it." Marina looks back at Regan. "When do I start school again?"

"Whenever we have class and Y/N wants you to come," Regan says.

"When's your next class?" You ask.

"Two days from now."

"Can I?" Marina asks.

"Of course." You want her to get back into the things she loves and start living her life again. If she wants to go to school, let her go to school. "Let's go see if we can find Clem and Diana. I'm hungry."

"Ok." Marina retakes your hand, and you leave the admin building for the courtyard.


You find Clementine and Diana still grabbing their food from Marian. You join them, and Marian hands both you and Marina two oranges each. Clementine and Diana got the same. A perk of where Anarchy was, they had oranges. Now you have to eat them before they spoil.

Ashes (Clementine X Male Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now