Rage-Anarchy's Tortured

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You've parked the cars a ways out from Anarchy. It took some time to find it, and that's precious time that you've wasted. It's bigger than you imagined. You don't know why, but you imagined it had shitty walls and was settled in some wasteland. You were wrong. The walls are nice and secure, and Anarchy is set in the suburbs. You expected a place called Anarchy to be some evil lair. It's not.

From a distance, you can see lights inside, guards on the walls, and no patrols outside. "Alright," Clementine keeps her voice low as you look at the community. "We need to find a place to set up. Somewhere we can use as a base."

"Why don't we just use this house right here?" You ask, pointing to the one next to you. You don't want to waste time finding the perfect place.

"Sure, it'll work." Clementine walks past you and into the house without a care.

You follow her in and draw a knife. "I'll check for walkers." You doubt there's any here.

"Need help?" Louis asks.

"No." You tell him as you open the first door. Nothing.

You clear the house without any problems. Cas and Emma are already gone when you enter the living room. Stanley and Aasim are pushing furniture around. "We'll need a place for Brooklyn." You say.

"That's what we're doing," Stanley says.

Your stomach is doing flips, you're so fucking nervous. "Fuck, I hate this... Now I know how Emma feels."

"We could play a game to take your mind off it," Louis proposes.

"Absolutely Not."

"My games aren't that bad."

"Louis, when we get back to Ericson's, I'll make him play all the games you want," Clementine says.

"I wish he'd understand that I'm just trying to be his friend." Louis mumbles to Clementine, making sure that you can hear him.

"Thank you, Louis, but I'm too worried to play your games." You say.

"I hear you," Louis says. "I'll leave you alone."

"If you're done, get over here and help me, Louis." Violet calls him over, sounding a little annoyed.



Step one of the plan when reaching Anarchy: pull Brooklyn out without alerting anyone. She's likely to be used as a hostage or to be outright killed to deter Y/N. Cas and Emma will enter alone, and hopefully, they'll return with Brooklyn in tow. Only if she can't be moved will the rest enter Anarchy. Her survival is the most volatile. William is just waiting for the right moment to kill her.


Cas and Emma slink through the darkness of the suburbs outside Anarchy's walls. They don't run because that's more noticeable. They take it one step at a time.

Emma takes the lead. This is her domain, sneaking around in the dark without anyone noticing. Sure, it's been years, but she knows what she's doing. She's done it plenty of times. Albeit, with Sam, who was also good at it, but Cas will do fine.

"So you think we can do this?" Cas asks. His head still throbs slightly.

"Do you think we can't?"

"We can..." Cas has been awkward with Emma. He sees the scars on her face and knows that the ones under her clothes are there, and he doesn't know if he should say anything about them. It doesn't bother him, but he knows it bothers her. "You know, I hear we can get a house made by that Carlos guy. We could live together... Maybe have a kid or two."

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