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"I haven't thought about it since," Clementine starts, "but I still think we should go to your old community and then head for Richmond."

You're walking toward the table you met at yesterday. "Only if you let Brooklyn, Marina, and me hang back. If William's people see us, they'll come for us." You're still worried about the idea of going back, but if you can go back without really risking anything, it might be worth it.

"Of course. Maybe if we're lucky, we can throw them off our trail. At least for a little bit. That would make things easier." Clementine points to Diana and Marina. You don't know what they're playing, but they are. "They're getting along pretty well so far."

"They might become a pretty good duo when they get older. Who knows?" You say.

"Hopefully, they're in a group, so they don't have to be just a duo."

"Yeah, but groups have to split up sometimes, so it's good to have a partner." You explain. "Like, I have Brooklyn."

"And to imagine this is coming from someone who used to be a loner," Clementine says.

"You're one to talk." You say.

"But I was with people sometimes. You were alone a lot longer than me." Clementine says.

"I was with people sometimes." You tell her.

"To con them and steal their stuff." Clementine points out.

You stop at the table. "I was good at it too. Never trust a kid just because they're a kid."

"I know," Clementine says. "I wonder what would have happened if we had met when we were younger."

"I probably would have robbed you." You probably would have.

"I wouldn't have let you have the chance." Clementine probably wouldn't have let you that easily.

"I would have charmed you and then robbed you." You probably would have.

"Again, probably wouldn't have let you have the chance." Clementine is wrong.

"I got food, water, care, and shelter, all from just passing out near your school. I think I could manage." You point out.

"You were nearly dead, and I only took you because you might have had information we could use, or you could have been leverage," Clementine argues.

"And then you kept me for what? Because I was neither of those."

Clementine shrugs. "Guess I liked you."

"I would have charmed you and taken your stuff." You probably would have.

"Yeah, whatever, you win." Clementine waves her hand. "But I was a different person when I was younger."

"I don't think you know how good I was at conning people. I did it for a living and lived."

"I was good at detecting bullshit," Clementine says.

"I was good at lying." You tell her.

"What are you two arguing about?" Aj asks.

"He thinks he could have robbed me when we were younger." Clementine points a thumb at you.

"I could have. You already said I won." You smirk at her.

"Why are you arguing about that?" Aj looks at you two like you're crazy.

"We're joking, goofball," Clementine says.

"Oh... Where did you get your hat?" Aj smiles.

"Y/N found it. It's technically yours."

Ashes (Clementine X Male Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now