Rage-I Miss You

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You're running through the courtyard, and you're not sure why. Someone came and got you, but you don't remember who it was. You don't remember seeing them. But you're running anyway.

The courtyard is empty. The gate is closed for the night. You find it odd that there are no guards in the tower.

You throw the side gate open in a rush and look around. Where? Where is she?

"Hey," Brooklyn says to your left. You turn to look at her. You can't help but smile. You nearly tackle her. "Missed you too, buddy."

"How the fuck are you here?" You smile and laugh as you push her away to look at her. She looks so much better than you thought she would. Unharmed, fed, safe.

"Got away." She shrugs. You look at her shoulder.

"How did... You fix that?"

"Fix what?" Brooklyn looks at her shoulder. "Oh... I don't know."

"Whatever. It doesn't matter." With her here, you'll be able to get Marina and Diana back with no problems. You don't need anyone else's help. The two of you can do it. "God, I missed you."

You open your eyes. You stare at the ceiling, feeling more depressed than you did before you fell asleep. Why do your dreams play with you? Sometimes they torture you with the worse possible outcomes. Other times they give you hope and just to take it all when you wake up... You're not sure which is worse.

You check on Clementine. She's still asleep beside you, lying on her side facing you. You wonder what she's dreaming about. Is she also having hope ripped away from her? You wish you could dream together instead of suffering alone for hours. Just the two of you, talking in some mindscape.

You kiss her forehead and close your eyes. You won't sleep again, but you'll try. Hopefully, this time, you won't dream at all.


Marina wakes up in her bed. She almost expects her dad to be there with her, but it's the same as it has been every day. Just her and Diana. Diana has her own bed and is still asleep, as far as Marina can tell. So, she slips out of bed and creeps over to the window to see what time it is. It's night.

Instantly, she makes a decision.

She slowly moves out of the room to keep from waking Diana and pauses after she closes the door. William lives in this house too, and Marina knows he'll keep a close eye on her. She listens just to make sure that William isn't awake. When she's confident, she starts toward the outside door.

Her dad and Brooklyn would tell her this is a bad idea, but they're not here... Well, Brooklyn is. Somewhere. Marina doesn't know where. William won't tell her. He barely talks to her. He's no father, and she decided that a long time ago. She doesn't understand how he's her real father, but she doesn't care. He's just William, a bad guy and a piece of shit.

Outside, it's quiet, except for the sound of bugs and owls. It's hot in this community. Hotter than anywhere Marina has ever been, and it's only another reason for her to hate the place.

Marina has picked up on a lot of things her dad has told her about. She stays in the dark places around the community while she moves, uses her tiny body to her advantage, and watches guards from the safety of spots they'll never find her. Not that they'd do anything to her if they caught her. They'd just take her back to William. Maybe he would. But she needs to do this tonight. She can't get caught.

Marina stops near a building she wants to go in. She doesn't know what it used to be, but it's where guards enter with no weapons and come out with some. She puts her hand on the doorknob and looks around. No one will see her go in.

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