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You have stepped outside, leaving Marina in the building to finish packing her things and tying her shoes. It'll take her a minute because you only just started teaching her how to tie her shoes. She can most of the time; she just needs to get better at it and learn to do it without help.

Brooklyn is already standing outside, watching, just like she was all night. "You're sleeping tonight." You say as you walk up next to her.

"Or, you can carry me while we walk, and I can sleep then." She yawns. "I haven't slept in a while. I don't know how long I can go. We may need to stop early, honestly."

"If you need to." You tell her. "You are ok, right? I can carry you."

She smiles. "I was joking."

"I know."

"We can just stop early once we get far enough away." She yawns again. "Cause I'm really tired."

"Good morning," Louis calls out to you as he walks over. He seems like he's in a good mood. "Are you two ready?"

"Mostly." You answer.

"Where's the little one?" He asks.

"Inside." You glance at the door. She's taking longer than you thought she would.

"Well, Cas is, uh..." He leans forward and lowers his voice. "Stealing some food and water for us. Not a ton, but some that'll last us a day or two." He straightens back up. "And the rest are about ready, I'm pretty sure."

"You seem like you're in a good mood for someone about to be sent out into the wilderness," Brooklyn says.

"I like it out there. Plus, I don't really like it here." He looks at you. "I guess we've got a bit of a problem out there, though."

"We'll be fine." You tell him.

"Dad, I tied it!" Marina comes running out of the house, bouncing. She stops in front of you and puts one of her feet out. "Look."

You crouch down and look at it. "Good, but..." You pull on it, and it comes undone. "You forgot to double-knot it."

"What?!" She sounds disappointed.

"I'll show you again. Then you can do it on the other one." You slowly show her how to tie it again, explaining it to her, and then stand back up. "Now, untie that one and do it again."

"Ok." She starts tying it.

"Do you have everything?" You ask her. You can already see one thing she doesn't have.






"All of your clothes?"


"Anything you can think of?" You ask Brooklyn.

"Uh... Bandages?"

"Yes." Marina stands up. "Done, Dad."

You crouch down and pull on her shoestring. It doesn't budge. "Good." You stand up. "Turn around." You spin her around and grab her hair. "Where are these?"

She grabs your hands and spins around. "Um... I don't know."

"You lost them?" You ask.

"No." She lies.

"They're right here." You pull your sleeve back to reveal her hair ties wrapped around your wrist.

"You stole them. That's not fair." She protests and starts trying to get them off your wrist.

"But you didn't realize they were gone."

"When did you?" She pulls them away.

"Doesn't matter. They were in your hair, I pulled them out, and you didn't notice they were gone." You're trying to teach her to be more attentive. It might not be the best way to do it, but you're trying it.

"Now I have to put them back in." She whines.

"I'll do it." You hold your hand out, and she gives them back to you. "How about we start a game?"

"What kind of game?"

You slip one tie around your wrist and start messing with her hair. "I'm going to start stealing stuff from you. It's your job to notice that you're missing stuff. If you catch me, you win. If I have to tell you, you lose."

"Hm... Ok. But I'll win." She says.

"Sure. I've got one point; you've got zero. Now, how do you want this tied?"

"Um... Like Brooklyn."

"So, a ponytail?"

"Yes, please."

You start pulling all her hair back. "Do you know how to do that?" Louis asks.

"Hell yeah," Brooklyn says. "Ties mine for me because I'm lazy."

"Hell yeah. He does mine all the time." Marina chimes in.

"Brooklyn already said hell yeah, so you don't have to." You tell her.

"But I wanted to."

"Yes, but you have to say it first, or it doesn't work anymore."

"It works," Marina says. "It works because I say it works."

"Fine." You stand up. "Done."

Marina feels her hair. "Thank you."

"So, if you're ready, we're supposed to meet the others," Louis says.

"Let's go, then." You say.

Louis starts leading you through the community. You don't seem to be heading for the main gate. Your mind is racing with scenarios. How is it going to go? Diana will be there. Clementine will be there. You haven't seen Aj or Violet yet.

Marina grabs your hand and moves closer as you approach the group. They're waiting around a back entrance. You are the last to show up. Clementine smiles at you. Diana is standing next to her, completely oblivious to your presence. You can't look away.

"You guys ready?" Cas asks you and Brooklyn.

"Yeah." You look away from Diana.

"Ok. We know a good spot a few miles away. We should make it by late afternoon. We can head there and figure things out." He tells you.

You look behind you just to make sure no one is trying to pull something last minute, but there isn't even a glance in your direction. Nothing. You leave without any problems.

Ashes (Clementine X Male Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now