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It took a week and two days to reach this unknown community. It's set in an amusement park, which you don't find to be a particularly good spot to settle down.

"I'm coming with you, Clem." You tell her, watching the community from your spot at the end of the parking lot.

"Shouldn't you stay behind?" Clementine raises an eyebrow at you. "If something goes wrong, I'd rather have at least one parent not in there."

"I'd be coming in at that point anyway, so I'll just come with you now. I can't stand waiting around." You're going. You don't like how anxious it makes you.

"I'll come too," Brooklyn says. "Then there's no chance of anything happening."

"You've got too big of a head." You tell her.

"We'll get Marina and Diana out of here if we have to," Emma says.

"Do you have a plan for getting them on our side, Clem?" Cas asks. "Because we haven't talked about it."

"I'll figure it out."

"Figure it out?" You're winging it? That's not like you." Louis, jokingly, disapproves.

"What do we have to offer them?" Clementine asks him. "Nothing. So, I'll figure it out in there."

"Good luck, Dad." Marina hugs your legs.

"Brooklyn is coming with me; you heard how confident she was. I'll be fine. Protect your sister." You tell her.

"Ok. Love you."

"Love you too."

"Love you, Brooklyn," Marina says.

"Love you."

"Di, listen to everything they tell you." Clementine looks at Violet. "Can you take care of her?"

"I can. I can watch Marina too." Violet looks at you for approval.

"What do you think, Marina?" You ask her.

"With Brooklyn's girlfriend?" Marina asks you.

"What are you talking about?" Brooklyn asks.

"I know," Marina says.

"You don't know shit."

"I know shit."

"When you have your first crush, I'm going to relentlessly bully you," Brooklyn tells her.

"So she's your girlfriend." Marina smiles.

"Come on, Marina. We'll go play Battleship." Violet waves her over. "Leave Brooklyn alone."

"Are you her girlfriend?" Marina asks as she walks away. "Because I heard Dad and Brooklyn talking about it."

Brooklyn runs after her. Marina sees her, starts giggling, and tries to run away. "You." Brooklyn grabs her. "Are lucky." And spins her around. "I like you."

"She's your girlfriend," Marina says between laughs.

Brooklyn sets her down, pokes her sides a few times, and starts walking back to you. "Don't die, stupid."


"Yeah, there's a group over there." The guard hands their binoculars to their partner.

The partner takes a moment to find them. "They've... Got kids with them."

"Looks that way. What do you think?"

"Go alert Brian. I'll keep an eye on them."

"Think they're going to try anything? They do have kids."

Ashes (Clementine X Male Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now