Rage-Fucked Up

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Groaning is all Ray hears when he wakes up. He's in a dark room, and the groans aren't of a walker. Someone is in the room with him, injured and in pain. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and tries to stand up. The world spins, and he sinks back to the floor. He touches the back of his head, and his hand comes away wet.

He shouldn't have gone through with this. He fucked up.


"Good luck."

Ray watches Y/N throw a knife at one of William's men. Y/N wastes no time reaching him and ripping the blade up and out of the man's chest, opening a large wound the man will never recover from. Ray and the two others with him start to move on Y/N, but he runs away. He... Ran away.

They follow around a corner and... He's... Where'd he go? It's too dark. Where did he go? Ray panics slightly. He's not messing with just some random person. He's messing with a god. One that killed his partner, Tyr... He's lost sight of a god who's had his daughters and best friend taken from him.

"Get to the stairwell." Ray turns around and freezes. The person behind him is falling to their knees, gagging and holding their neck. "Fuck." He can hear Y/N running, but he can't chase him. He needs to get out of here.

A few seconds later, the other screams as they crumple to the floor. Y/N has broken their leg. Ray can see what looks to be their bone sticking out. Ray puts his hands up to defend himself as Y/N comes at him, but he's too late...

Y/N grabs Ray by the neck, digging his fingers in. "We had a deal." He brings his knee into Ray's gut. "A place to live for your help. And you threw it away. For what?" Y/N gets close to Ray's face. "We're going to come out on top. You should've known that."


Y/N pushes Ray back. "You were the weakest god. You hid behind Tyr and hoped no one would notice... He's not here now."

"I can give you information." Ray rubs his neck. "I can-"

"You'll give me information. And then you'll die."

Ray swings at Y/N. It doesn't connect. He's lost sight of him again. Y/N ducked under the swing and charged him. The air is knocked out of Ray as Y/N tackles him, ramming his shoulder into Ray's chest. Ray struggles, but no matter what he does, it doesn't seem to affect Y/N. Y/N pins his arms under his legs, grabs a handful of Ray's hair, and starts slamming his head into the floor.

Ray is scared.


You push the door open, and the glass shatters against the wall. "What the fuck are you playing at?!" You ask, pointing at Brian and Lizzy. "I gave you a place to live. Stuck my neck out for you, and now this?!"

"What?" Brian has his hands up. He's backing away from you. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Y/N, what's going on?" Emma asks.

"Ray attacked me and had three other people waiting in the hospital. Now we have a group of who knows how many on their way here." You explain. "They're William's people."

"We're not... Brian, we're not doing this, are we?" Lizzy asks.

"No," Brian tells her.

"How long?" You ask them.

"How long what?" Brian asks.

"How long have you been working with them?!"

"We haven't." He answers calmly.

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