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Someone is following you. You only glimpsed them once, on a long stretch of field, but they're following you. One person isn't a big deal, and it makes you question if other people are coming and if you're slowly being cut off and surrounded. The best case scenario: they're blinded by some sense of rage and followed you by themselves.

"They're going to keep following us," Brooklyn says as you run.

"Dad, I can't run anymore," Marina says.

"Alright. Stop. I'll pick you up." You tell her as you slow down.

"No, we all stop and ambush whoever is following us." Brooklyn turns around. "I don't feel like running forever."

"Yeah. Have you seen any more following us?" You ask Brooklyn.


"Marina, let's go hide." You hold out your hand. She takes it, and you walk to the ditch on the side of the road. "We can stay down here, and whenever they're not expecting it, we can get them."

"Did you kill those people?" She asks suddenly.

"Yeah. We had to."

"Did they shoot at you?"

"They threatened to. I killed them before they shot us. They just squeezed the trigger."

"Are they after me too?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

"You let that one person live. I saw you with the knife in her arm. What were you doing to them?"

"I was asking them some questions."

"You were hurting them."



"Let's not talk about it." You don't want her to think it's alright to go around hurting people. It's necessary sometimes, but she's not old enough that you would trust her to know when and when not to.

"They're coming," Brooklyn says. She comes to the edge of the ditch and looks down at the two of you. "It's just one. I'll handle it."

"Be careful," Marina says.

Brooklyn smiles at her. "Stay quiet."


Cas stops running and comes to a stop. Someone is standing in the road. "Where are the other two?" He calls out. Cas knows there are two more with them, yet he doesn't see them. They could be waiting to ambush him, or they could have continued. Cas can deal with one person.

"I'll tell you what I told your friends before we killed them. Get the fuck out of here." Brooklyn calls back. She doesn't expect the guy to leave. She knows she'll have to fight them, but she's not worried about it.

"You killed two of my people and tortured another. You expect me to walk away?" Cas says. He's angry. No matter what, he cannot justify the killing of his people by these outsiders. Even if it was his people that attacked, he would still back them.

"If you want to live. It's your choice, really." Brooklyn shrugs. He's gotten closer to her, and it's too dark for her to tell if he has any weapons. He wouldn't shoot her because she knows where Y/N and Marina are. If he gets passed her, he'll know anyway.

Cas has too much to lose. He has people to protect. If he doesn't get supplies, his people will suffer. If this woman is part of the group he's trying to find, he'll take her out and find wherever the others are hiding.

Brooklyn watches the man closely as he steps toward her. She's not worried. He seems to think he can take her, and they all do. She doesn't lose because losing means dying, and she can't die. Y/N and Marina need her. She slips a knife into her hand and funnels it up to hide it along her arm. She wishes she could throw a knife as well as Y/N.

Ashes (Clementine X Male Reader Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now