Accord-Ambush Part 3: Coward

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"How much longer until William is done?!" Someone yells into their radio.

"As long as he needs." Someone responds.

"We need to pull back now!"

"You can hold them."

"You sent us with twenty people!"

"Armed. Twenty is more than enough."

"Tell that to all the dead! They're cutting through us like we're nothing!... Oh fuck."



You're standing over the last one left. "Please. Please don't kill me."

"What do you think, Cas?" You ask.

He is now, like you, covered in blood. "We don't have to kill him." Cas points down the street at Walkers, summoned by the horn.

"That's a great idea."

"No, wait."

You bend over and take the pistol strapped to his side. "Can't have you shooting yourself. Cas, turn him over."

"I meant kill me. Please, kill me."

"Nah, man. You said, please don't kill me." Cas corrects him as he turns him over. "I heard it." He holds him down, kneeling on their back.

You crouch beside the guy's legs and cut fine lines behind his kneecaps. You don't know what you're talking about, but you're sure he won't be able to walk if you ruin this bit of his leg. "Hey, screaming is just going to draw them straight to you." You tell him as you stow your knife. "But, for good measure." You push his pistol into the back of his right knee and blow his kneecap out. "Think we should break his fingers too?" You ask Cas over the screams.

Cas stands up, freeing the man. He starts crawling. "We could let him try to get a gun. He'll die either way."

"Yeah. Fuck it." You keep his pistol, turning the safety on and placing it in the back of your pants. You pick up the radio he was using. "Where are the rest of you hiding?" There's no response, just like with the shooters.

"Let's get back," Cas says.


"Fuck! You!" Brooklyn yells, holding her shoulder, sitting against a wall.

"Make sure she doesn't die," William tells someone beside him. "Knock her out, too."

"Leave her alone!" Marina pulls out a knife and steps in front of Brooklyn.

"Put the knife down." William takes a step toward her, uncaring.

"I'll kill you!"

"You won't." William keeps walking toward her.

"Marina, run!" Clementine yells. "Diana, go with her!"

"Where are they going to run?" William asks Clementine, stopping and walking toward her instead. "You're surrounded, I've got people outside, and their legs are too short to outrun any of us." He stops and crouches in front of her. She can't stand anymore. Her leg is fucked up. "Who is Diana? Did you kidnap her too?"

"She's my daughter."

"Your real daughter?" He asks with an accusing tone. Clementine spits in his face. He seems unfazed and simply wipes it away. "Who's the father?" William looks at Louis and then Aasim. "Not either of you." William laughs. "Wouldn't it be something if she were Y/N's?"

"You won't touch her," Clementine growls at him, reaching for her knife.

William stands up. "I was joking, but now I'm curious. Is she Y/N's?" He sounds surprised. "Put a gun to their heads," William directs the gunman near Violet, Aasim, and Louis.

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