Rage-Doing Something

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William was never supposed to catch you. He should have never found Marina in the first place. But he did. He came and ruined three years of peace... Then he killed Aj, injured half your group, and took Marina, Diana, and Brooklyn. He may not have done it all himself, but you're holding him directly responsible. You'll keep that in mind when you have him strapped to a chair.

You have a tense feeling in your chest. Today, you leave Ericson's. You're either coming back with Diana, Marina, and Brooklyn, or you're not coming back. You have no other option.

The weather is overcast this morning. Clouds fill the sky, dark and foreboding. A sign of things to come? No. A representation of the week William is about to have.

"Good morning," Brian speaks behind you. You turn around to see him helping Lizzy walk through the gate. Ray trails behind them.

"I'm sorry you have to come." You tell her. "We just can't leave you here without us."

"I know." She winces when Brian lets her go and slumps down the brick wall. "Maybe you can find a use for me." You grunt. You doubt it.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather take Cas with you today?" Ray asks you.

"Can't handle a few raiders?" If they're not up to fight some raiders, they're better off back at that amusement park.

"No, it's not that... I just know you don't trust us."

"Do I have a reason not to?" You ask.

"I think you have a hell of a lot of reasons not to," Brian mutters.

"If you really want us to tag along today, I want you to know I'll do what I can," Ray says quickly after Brian finishes.

"I don't have a choice anyway. Cas is sitting out until Anarchy and Emma..." You don't know if she's going to join in today. It's up to her. "Just do what we have to do, and you'll be fine... And understand that if you betray us or get in my way, I'll kill you."

"They're not gonna do shit," Lizzy tells you. "Just what you tell them to do."

"Good." You stretch. You can see Emma and Violet coming.

Emma passes the gods. "Y/N." She grabs your arm and pulls you away.


"I'm coming with you." She says. You can't help but look at the burns running down the side of her face.


"So we don't need them." She points her thumb back at them. She doesn't care that they see.

"They give us a better advantage."

"We can take a few raiders ourselves." She jams her finger into your chest. "I haven't talked to you since Richmond, but I want you to know I hate this idea. You should have never gone back for them. Clementine tried to justify it, and I think you're both crazy."

"They can help us."

"Me and you can do this." She tells you again.

"So what, we leave them here with Clementine's group? We don't take them at all, so they can stay here and do whatever the fuck they like because we're not here to do anything about it?" That's not the reason you want them to come along. You want to guarantee your success.

Emma sighs. "I don't trust them."

"We're not asking you to."

Emma shakes her head. "I don't like this, and I'm not going to pretend to like this... But fine. I'll play along for now."

"Thank you."

"I wasn't a part of the meeting yesterday, so I've only got the abridged version of this plan that Clementine gave me," Emma says.

"There's not much to do right now. Our group is heading for the raider's headquarters, and Clementine's group is going to be right behind us." You'll show up, kill them, and take their shit. Specifically, you want their vehicles, but you'll also take whatever supplies they have. "Clementine will remind us as we go along."

"What are you two talking about?" Violet joins you.

"How much I hate them," Emma tells her.

"Mmm... Well, I'll have Lizzy with me, so I doubt they'll try anything." Violet looks back at them. "I know we're not exactly on good terms with them, but they've been helping."

"Because they have to," Emma says.

"We're all here. I think we should start heading out." You end the conversation. You're wasting time that you could be using.

"Hey!" Emma calls over to the gods. "We're leaving."

Brian helps Lizzy up, and they start towards you. "Lead the way." You say to Violet.

After weeks, you're finally doing something.

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