Aftermath-Unplanned Parenthood

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Four Days Later...

Losing your family permanently scarred you. You pushed everyone away because being alone was better than losing people. Eventually, you found people you cared about enough to forget that, so you let a few in. But having children was never going to happen. You didn't want them because if you had them, you might lose them.

Marina is stuck to you like you saw her stuck to Linda every day. You can't take care of her, but you can watch over her. She's holding your hand as you walk to the meeting building. She forced you to let her just like she has every day you've left the house.

"Can you stay with Brooklyn?" You ask her when you arrive at your destination. Brooklyn volunteered to keep her occupied while you have a meeting about Marina.

Marina looks at Brooklyn and then back at you. You smile. "Ok." She finally says and lets go of your hand. She watches you until you close the door.

"How is she doing?" Don asks.

"Um... She's still having nightmares, but other than that, I think she's fine." You sit down across from Don. Carlos, Marian, and a few others are in the room as well. They're all parents of other children within the community.

"Poor thing," Don says under his breath. "Are you ok?"

"Tired." Marina keeps you busy.

"What do you think we should do with her?" Don asks you. You've not put much thought into it.

"I think I'm not equipped to deal with her or make a call about what's good for her." You look at the outsiders in the room that have never attended another meeting. "Do they know?" You ask Don. He nods. "Brooklyn and I will handle anything that comes up with William."

"We had a meeting with Brooklyn yesterday about this," Marian says. "I'm sure you're aware of that."

"Yeah." She told you everything about it. They just asked her a bunch of questions about how Marina was doing and how you were treating her.

"Have you ever taken care of children before?" A parent asks.

"No." Why are they asking all these questions?

"Y/N, I'm going to cut to the chase. We believe the best option is to leave her with you." Don tells you. You're shocked by what he says. "Hear us out."

"Hear you out? I can't. I have shit to do."

"Brooklyn can handle patrols. We have other guards too." As Don speaks, you feel yourself growing frustrated quickly. You've taken care of her for days, waiting for them to figure something out. You didn't expect them to give you the job.

"I don't know anything about kids." You shake your head. "I can't do it."

"Do you remember what happened when I tried to take her?" Jessica says.

"So? She'd stop eventually." You feel that's a poor excuse to throw the responsibility onto you.

"The best option here is to leave her with you for now. No one will try and do what Tim did if you have her, and she'd be safest in your home with yourself and Brooklyn." You can't disagree with Don's points, but you still don't see why you have to take her. "You won't have to do it on your own. We can help. We've all had children."

"So you all think she should stay with me?" You look around. No one says otherwise. "I can't believe this."

"Would you all give us the room?" Don asks. As the rest of the group disperses, Don walks around the table.

"You're serious?" You stand up. "You think she should stay with me."

"Yes." Don stops in front of you and crosses his arms. "I think that's the best place for her right now."

"I can't do this."

"Linda is dead, and Marina needs someone she trusts. She clearly trusts you."

"I don't care. I'm not her father." You raise your voice a little bit. Don slaps you across the face. You stand in disbelief.

"You're being selfish. What else do you have going on?" He doesn't expect you to respond but waits all the same. "Others can handle what you were doing. The girl trusts you, we trust you, and we're leaving her with you. Brooklyn told us everything we needed to hear yesterday. You're doing good already... I know you probably wouldn't feel comfortable going to any other parents in the community, so if you need help, I can."

"I don't know what I'm doing, Don." Is it really her best option?

"No one does at first."

"So you want me to raise her? Me?" You don't think you're capable.

"You'll do fine." Don pats you on the arm. "I know this is a lot. We'll check in and make sure things are running smoothly; if we have to, we'll figure something else out. Right now, I just need you to work with us."

You've realized there's no fighting this. You've been volunteered to take Marina in. What do you do now? Clementine would have known. She raised Aj for the most part. Now you're stuck in a situation without her and don't know what to do. You wish she were here. "Fine."

Don sighs and scratches his greying beard. "I'll let everyone know. Thank you."

You step out of the meeting building, and Marina runs over. She looks up at you and waits. "What?"

"Where are we going?" She says.

"Where do you want to go?" You ask.

"I don't know."

You sigh and let her take your hand. "How'd it go?" Brooklyn asks.

"Fine." You look down at Marina. "She's staying with me."

"Really?" Brooklyn sounds confused and surprised. "That must have been why they asked me so many questions yesterday."

Marina has stopped, still holding your hand. "What?"

"Daddy?" Did she just call you dad?

"What? No."

"Yes, you are." You're not going to be able to explain it to her.

"No, I'm not."

"Mhm." You give up. You'll get nowhere, and it's not that big of an issue. You're tired of arguing and arguing with a three-year-old is pointless. She'll get over calling you that eventually.

"Let's go home for now." You tell her.

"Ok." She smiles. You're happy she still can.

Ashes (Clementine X Male Reader Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin