Accord-Ambush Part 2: Destroyer

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Clementine wakes up to shots outside the museum. Her first instinct is to check on Diana. When she knows Diana is safe, she starts to turn to Y/N. "Y/N, get-" He was there next to her when she went to sleep. Right there. Where is he? "Brooklyn, do you know where Y/N is?"

Brooklyn shakes her head. If she doesn't know, no one does.

"Where's Aj?" Louis asks.

"He's gone too?" Clementine looks around to see if anyone else has disappeared. Fortunately, everyone else is still there. It doesn't help Clementine's anxiety. She has no idea where Y/N and Aj went, and anything could have happened to them.

"What about the shots?" Brooklyn asks. "What are we doing?" Brooklyn looks at Marina, who is holding onto her pant leg. Clementine knows Brooklyn wants to help Y/N but will only leave Marina with Y/N present.

Clementine looks at Cas. "Can you go find Y/N and Aj?"


"I'll come with you," Louis says.

"No. No offense, but I can go faster without you." Cas stops him. "I'll find them."


Cas has been shot at, but they missed every time they tried to hit him. Only barely. He ended up ducking into a building filled with people trying to hide from the shooters and figure out what's happening.

Cas pushes through the crowd, trying to find anyone he knows, but it seems to mostly be people that live in the building and some that were nearby when the shooting started. Cas hears the crowd slowly quieting down behind him and turns around to see what's up. "Everyone, head back up the stairs and spread out in the halls! We can't stay together like this!" Javier yells. He's right. Confining large groups into a tight space hasn't been smart since people started coming back after they died. It wasn't smart beforehand.

As the group listens to what Javier says and starts to dissipate, Cas moves through them to meet with him. "Javier."

Javier spots Cas and glares at him. "Get out of here."

"Sure, but I need-"

"I don't care what you need. We're being attacked because you came here. We've lost people already."

That answers one question Cas had. Likely, William is attacking. "Have you seen Y/N or Aj?"


"Damn," Cas says under his breath as he moves to the door. The shooting has mostly stopped. If Javier was more willing to talk, Cas could work with him, and they could form a plan to deal with this. "Good luck." He says before he steps out of the building.

Cas waits outside the door for a long moment, listening. He doesn't get shot, which is a good sign, and most of the shooting seems to be focused around where Cas thinks is the main gate. He decides that'll be the best place to look for Y/N and Aj because he doubts Y/N would just hide somewhere.

As he nears the main gate, he finds that the shooting has stopped entirely. The community is silent. "Damn it, where are they?" There are bodies scattered all around. More than he found on his way. Cas starts wondering if Y/N and Aj are among them but pushes the thought away because it doesn't help. Why did the shooting stop?

Cas' hand moves for his knife. He heard the screech of tires as someone pushed a vehicle to its limit. The low hum of the engine tells him it's a larger one. And sure enough, as the gate comes crashing down a second later, a semi-truck comes to a stop inside the community. "What the fuck?" The semi-truck, equipped with a makeshift ram, blares its horn. Likely a signal, but it's also intimidating as hell.

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