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A/N: Platonic yandere, reader is 13-16. Might be a bit short cuz I'm really tired & on my phone. Also, I'm not sure if this is a universal term, so I'll explain it. Black ice is when you can't see the ice, like when it blends into the sidewalk.

You were running. You couldn't tell if they were following you over the sound of your panicked breathing and your shoes hitting the concrete.

You needed to find somewhere to hide now that your old base was compromised.

Your feet hit a patch of ice, and you skidded for a second before catching yourself. Of course, the first frost of the year had to come at the worst time ever.

You needed to get out of direct sight, maybe find a crowd or somewhere to duck into until they left you alone. You really hated heroes.

Your dad was a well-known vigilante until some trigger-happy hero had taken him out. Somehow, someone had figured out about your existence, and now the heroes were trying to 'save' you.

You picked up the pace as you saw a shadow move in the corner of your eye, sprinting towards the restaurant and bar district. If you could just get there fast enough, you'd be able to disappear into a crowd.

You let out a small yelp as an energy cage was deployed right behind you, narrowly missing. The light generated from it lit up the dark street. You heard a couple of curse words as you continued running, but you were getting tired.

You hadn't slept well since your dad had died, and running for so long was exhausting. It was a cruel twist of fate that you ended up slipping on some black ice.

You went down hard, blacking out for a second as you landed on your wrist. It hurt, everything hurt. It was only a second later that another energy cage wad deployed, this one actually trapping you.

You lay there on the concrete, sobbing and cradling your wrist. All you wanted was your dad. Was that too much to ask?

You could see the heroes' legs as they quietly conversed a bit away. One of them was talking to a civilian, probably concerned about why there was a child in an energy cage.

You didn't move. Didn't try to break out or yell at them. Didn't resist anymore. You just lay there, crying and wishing that your dad would magically appear and make everything good again.

"Hey there, sweetheart. You probably don't know me, but I'm the medic for this team. My name is Dan, can you tell me your name?" A man asked, kneeling down in front of you. You didn't answer him, staring past him down the street.

"That's alright if you don't want to talk. Can I take a look at your wrist? I could make it stop hurting." He promised. You still didn't move. The energy cage shut off suddenly, and you heard a few whispers from the team.

You were cold. Your body felt like it was full of lead. Your wrist ached and pulsed. You wondered what your dad would do in this situation.

A jacket was gently placed on you before you were lifted up into one of the heroes' arms.

"Andy, when we get back to the hideout report that we were unsuccessful. Dan, could you help them sleep on the way back?" The woman commanded, shifting you slightly.

"Of course, poor thing is probably so tired. Don't worry, when you wake up you'll be safe." Dana promised, producing a needle from his medic's box.

"Just take a deep breath and count back from 10. Everything will be alright now and you'll be looked after again. Just let everything fade away."

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