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You sighed, relaxing on a towel in the warm sun. This was so nice. You could definitely get used to this...

You let out an indignant shriek as a bucket full of cold water splashed onto you. Opening your eyes, you saw one of the boys in your class giggling as he ran back to his friend group.

For your marine biology degree, your university had decided to give your class a beach episode. In all seriousness, you'd done no studying of any marine biology since you'd gotten there, but neither had anyone else.

You glared at him as you adjusted your now soaked towel. Your class was supposed to go scuba diving later to look at the coral reefs near here and all the animals there. Now, your towel would be wet when you were done.

Hopefully, you wouldn't be paired with him...


You supposed there was a bright side to this horrible situation. On one hand, the asshole who soaked you was not your partner. On the other hand, your new partner was probably worse.

It was one of the girls from the same friend group who always seemed to have it out for you.

You were just trying to enjoy the pretty reef and all the fish there while your partner was trying to inconvenience you as much as possible.

Despite that, you were still having a good time until a strange rumbling noise echoed throughout the water. Both you and your partner glanced around before you decided to surface and see your instructor.

Surfacing, you watched in horror as massive tentacles wrapped around the boat, forcing it under the water. You didn't try to see what it was, reacting quickly and swimming for cover behind a large rock shelf.

Peeking from behind the shelf, you were just in time to watch as the person? Thing? Threw your partner into a rocky cave.

It had the top half of a human male, long blond hair, and blood red eyes. Its bottom half was identical to that of an octopus, with large purple-black tentacles. It was massive compared to you, easily 3 times bigger.

If it saw you, it didn't react, swimming back into the cave. The rumblings stopped, and you were scared to investigate. Your goal should be to get back to the island before your air runs out.

You started the long swim back, finally making it to an acceptable distance before your air ran out. You were exhausted and cold, and you hardly had the strength to react to something grabbing your foot and pulling you out of the water like you weighed nothing.

It was the same octopus, man. You easily fit in the palm of his hand, about the same size, actually. He smirked down at you.

"Got ya' shark bait. Honestly, you should be honored that I bothered to help you. I could've fed you to my pets, like the others." He said.

"Alas, my pets aren't the best company. They like to run off, and they get dreadful when they're needy." You gulped. From where you dangled, you could make out two massive half human half eels, wrapping themselves around him.

"I need excitement, and they need company so I can finally get some stuff done. So, we have a deal. Before you whine, I know all about your humans and your lack of gills. That can easily be solved. So... ready to start your new life as a pretty little toy for us?"

𝕎ℝ𝕀𝕋𝔼𝕋𝕆𝔹𝔼ℝ 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟛Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang