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A/N: Had to restrain myself from writing a vampire for this one. Platonic yandere cuz it's late and I like them.

○ Being an assistant on a merchant ship. You helped your boss with transport and maintenance of goods.

● You're around 15 or 16 and have been doing this since you lost your parents at age 5 to pirates. You were found by your now boss and sole father figure.

□ It's a regular day for you, helping your crew mates around the ship and making yourself useful in any way possible.

■ Your navigator says that there's land up ahead even though your map says there shouldn't be.

○ Your boss decides to stop there anyway so you dock the ship.

● The people on the island are friendly, amicably providing food and shelter for the crew. The islanders seemed to take extra care when it came to you, always treating you with love.

□ The islanders invite your crew to take part on one of their celebrations. Insisting that you're they're beloved guests and deserve to take part.

■ They take you to a cliff overlooking the sea. There's music and dancing and everyone is having a great time.

○ At some point, you're handed a fruity drink that makes your head go fuzzy. You slowly collapse onto one of the islanders' laps as he smiles down at you, letting you sleep.

● When you wake up, you feel weak and drained. Your head aches with any kind of light. Just what happened last night?

□ Your crew doesn't seem to notice anything weird, despite the fact you've been on the island for a month. You should've left ages ago.

■ When asked, they just laughed it off and told you to run along and play. But something felt wrong to you.

○ During a full moon you had decided to sneak back onto the ship for a book you'd left on it. While walking back across the deck you heard beautiful singing from the water.

● The moon sparkled across the water eliminating your view of who it was. When you tried to look closer you slipped and fell.

□ Hands gently supported you as your head grew heavy listening to the song. It wasn't just one person you realized, you were surrounded by beings with long shimmering tails.

■ The next morning you wake up in the village chiefs house after passing out in the creatures arms. He and his wife smile as you wake up.

○ "Did you know sirens are unable to reproduce? To spread, they must perform a ritual. But a ritual can't provide children." The leader said.

● "We hope you'll eventually forgive us. All of us, but you're the first child anyone here had seen since before they came here. We couldn't just let you leave." His wife said.

□ The next full moon you found out what they meant when you woke up in excruciating pain. They carried you to the ocean and everything melted away.

■ They had turned you into a siren, just like them. And there was no way they were letting you, a child, escape them. They finally had someone to care for.

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