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A/N: This story is inspired by Snow White but also a little bit of Cinderella? It's a weird hybrid child of some sort. Will include both platonic and one romantic yandere.

You missed no one more than you missed your mother. You didn't have many memories of her, but those you did were treasured. The weeks after she died were spent curled up on her bed sobbing, being taken care of by your maids. 

Your father hadn't minded too much. It was an arranged marriage after all, supposed to mend the gap between warring kingdoms. He waited the standard grieving period before quickly remarrying. It was expected of him, as king of vast lands to have a queen at his side, but you'd selfishly wished to have your remaining parent all to yourself.

Your stepmother, Ramona, was vain and spent hours holed up in her room fussing with tonics. She'd tried to force you to join her a few times, insulting your appearance. "If you spent even a little time on your appearance maybe your father could stand to look at you. With the way you dress it's like you're trying to resemble a toad. Does this look like a swamp to you?"

Your father had been avoiding you, your resemblance to your late mother was too much for him to handle. He'd started to brush you off, only paying attention to your step siblings. Your step siblings were worse than Ramona.

Her eldest daughter, Darcey, was a beauty. Her hair was always perfect and she was so regal in everything she did. She and her younger sister, Ramona's second daughter, Kelsey, loved to make fun of you. They'd giggle behind their fans, whispering insults while smirking at you. 

Her son, Xavier, was the oldest of all of them and the worst. He loved to trip you and laugh at you, pretending it was nothing more than a harmless joke. He'd started escalating to shoving you and grabbing you when no one was around to notice. 

Since they'd moved in you'd started to isolate yourself. You spent your days in your late mother's, now your, room. You ate, slept, did whatever you had to do and always kept the door locked. You hardly got out of your nightgown anymore, wondering what the point was.

That was until the day you finally decided you'd had enough. You refused to trap yourself here. You wouldn't be some helpless damsel, instead you'd go adventure and make your mother proud wherever she was.

You'd worn your riding clothes and brought a leather satchel filled with food and some shiny things to pawn off. You told no one your plan as you led your horse out of the stable in the dead of night. The guards were changing posts so the likelihood of you getting spotted was lowered. You were finally free.


You'd met a lot of strange and wonderful people over the course of your travels. From elves, to sirens to ogres. Everything was so magical and new to you. Of course you'd run into your fair share of danger but you'd gained some wicked looking scars from them that you were proud of. 

Something not-so-amazing was Terry. Terry was annoying and not planned at all. It started with a normal day. Wake up at an inn, have breakfast and start following a new map you'd gotten. Then you'd stumbled across a small forest giant. 

It was upset, throwing trees and earth at a person, you'd later learn to be Terry. You'd managed to calm it down and thus, save Terry. There were many days you regretted that decision.

Terry, or Prince Terrance of the West Wood, had offered you a reward for saving him. You, not wanting to get involved with any royals or be found out and sent back to your family, declined. Since then he'd been following you around like a lost puppy trying to coerce you into accepting his reward: marriage. 

"You don't even know my name." You reminded him for the third time.

"Only because you refuse to tell me. Are you a criminal or something? I'll pardon you and then we can get married!"

"What if I'm a commoner?" You asked. "Your nobility would laugh at you."

"I'd say it was a way to bridge the classes! They'd think I was honorable for trying such a thing." 

"How about you honorably go back to your kingdom to do your job? You know, preparing to rule or whatever?" You asked, as your horses finally reached your stopping point for the night.

"I'd be glad too... as long as you come with me?"

You rolled your eyes as you tied your horse and entered the inn, Terry hurrying to keep up.

"I'd like two-" "They mean one!" "-two rooms for a night." The innkeeper just shrugged as you paid.

"Alright rooms 7 & 8 are yours for the night. Breakfast is included." Terry pouted as you wordlessly walked upstairs towards room 8.

"You stay in room 7. If I wake up and you're in my room, I leave you behind. Got it?" It wasn't much of a threat as Terry had his own horse but it worked in the past so you still used it.

"Can I at least stand guard outside your door? Just for a little?" You sighed, knowing he would do it regardless of your answer.

"One hour. If you aren't up by the time breakfast finishes tomorrow, I leave. Got it?"

"Yay! I promise!" With that you shut your door and locked it, resting on a real bed for the first time in a bit. Wow, it was so much better than a forest floor.


"What are you doing here?!" Terrance looked up from his doodling and smirked. His innocent facade fully melted away when a sword was drawn on him.

"Why, if it isn't my best bud Xavier. You still busy harassing your step sibling? Oh wait! They left." He grinned, eyes glinting with malice. "I wonder where they could be."

"You return them this instant. They are of the royal family of East Wood, they would never join up with you savages." Darcy drawled, appearing from behind her brother. Her signature fan was still partially covering her face but doing little to hide the murderous glint in her smile.

"Oh, but wouldn't they? If it's to get away from you, I think they'd do just what I want them to."

"You run your mouth too much, clearly lacking etiquette and proper training. Go play prince somewhere else, we have matters to attend to." Ramona appeared, regal and beautiful as ever, with Kelsey at her side.

"Empress Ramona? Whatever could I have done to incur the wrath of such a powerful witch?" He laughed. "You don't scare me. Besides, you can do nothing without them hating you more. I am in the optimal position here. So, bring it on."

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