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Your village had been suffering. Crops refused to grow and the soil lost it's fertility. Sickness was rapidly spreading as well as hunger. Now, the first frost had come early, killing everyone's hope of surviving the winter.

Your elders were pissed but, not wanting to blame the gods, had accused you instead. You, a healer, who had been taking care of as many sick as you could. Prescribing herbal medications with what little you had. 

The elders claimed you had been poisoning the soil and murdering the sick that came to you. You had been chased out of town as they set your home on fire. Now you were wandering the snowy mountains, shivering, slowly freezing to death.

You swore you were finally coming down with a fever as you grew hot, slowly collapsing into the snow as your eyes closed.


"Winter!" A woman appeared in a gust of snow flakes. Her black hair was flowing freely and her hazel eyes were hard and unforgiving. She faced her brother, who appeared softer. Compared to her heavy furs he wore a lighter shirt and tunic with a crown of flowers in his hair. His skin was dark and clear, his hair and eyes a matching shade of brown.

"What do you want Spring? It isn't your time yet." She growled. The storm growled in accordance with her anger. 

"I'm not here to usurp you. I'm not Summer. But I need something from you." Winter smirked, the storm quieting.

"You, need something from me? Color me intrigued. Go on then. Speak." 

"It's a human. They're a powerful healer, one I blessed myself. They're dying in your storm. Please, calm your blizzard so I can save them." Spring was begging, looking at Winter with puppy dog eyes. It might've worked if she were as weak willed as her other brother, Autumn, or as stupid as her older sister, Summer. 

"What's in it for me?" She asked. 

"Come with me, Winter. You'll see just why they're so lovable. They're so adorable and cute, they're determined and smart. Please, Winter." Spring was clearly desperate if he was coming to her to save a human. 

"Fine. I'll accompany you. This better be worth my time..."


Spring smiled as he ran a hand down your face. You were warming up, slowly. He'd been in time to save you, although he did have to feed you his blood to help start your heart again. The golden ichor had meant so little if it was to save you.

He glanced over when Winter returned, dragging the body of a deer into the small cave they'd made your new home in. Now you'd have fresh food when you woke up and he could fashion you a new pair of pants out of the hide. 

He knew it would be worth it to save you, even if he did have to share you with Winter. You, his blessed human, would be safe from the dangers of your own kind, for the rest of eternity. He and Winter would make sure of that...

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