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A/N: Back on my computer! This is Christmas, more specifically Santa themed, so I apologize to any who don't identify with/celebrate it.

The kitchen was cold. It often was, even when the stove or oven was in use. Your cup of hot chocolate was burning your fingers but you didn't set it down. The pain helped remind you that you were alive. A living breathing person, who had their own emotions and opinions. You weren't just some emotionless doll.

The kitchen smelled faintly of gingerbread. It was subtle enough that the average person would find it comforting. But to you, it was suffocating and overwhelming. It was too sweet a scent for what you knew about this place. A perfect facade of a happy home with happy people. He might've been happy, but you weren't.

You took a sip of your hot cocoa, grimacing as it burned your tongue. You should've let it cool for a bit longer. Glancing at the window you watched the snow steadily fall. Maybe he'd get snowed out, wouldn't that be a sight. You took another sip of your cocoa, blowing on it first this time.

It was too sweet. The flavor lingered in your mouth and you set it to the side. Maybe you should head to bed early. But would it be worth it dealing with his pouting tomorrow? You decided it would be so you got up to turn off the kitchen light and head to bed. 

Seconds after you'd flicked the light off the front door slammed open making you jump, freezing as footsteps came closer and closer.

"Y/N!!!" He was slightly covered in snow and got you damp as he hugged you tightly. He looked whole, unfortunately, still as plump and tall as he'd been when he left. It was a bit disappointing, you were hoping he'd crash or at least have any minor cut.

"Hi Noel." You greeted, peeling his arms off of you. You started off to bed with a yawn. Damn you really should've gone to sleep earlier.

"Aren't you gonna ask how my night was?" He asked. Shedding his coat and tossing it somewhere. He followed you like a lost puppy as you made your way to bed.

"Can it wait 'til the morning? I'm tired Noel." You said, crawling into bed. While sharing a bed with him was the bane of your existence it was still warm and welcoming. 

"But... but I'm your husband... Don't you wonder about me?" He asked.

"I will wonder when I wake up. I'm tired Noel. Now either come to bed and be quiet or please let me sleep. I'm tired." You were done with him right now. You'd deal with whatever consequences came in the morning.

"Yes love..." He pouted, quietly heading to the bathroom to start on his night routine. 

A win is a win, you decided, pulling the covers up and falling asleep.

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