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You were just trying to do your job. As a guardian angel, all you had to do was protect your human from dying before their time. Your job wasn't entirely the problem. The problem was your human had done a very dumb thing and accidentally summoned a demon onto the mortal plane.

A demon, who's only goal was to flirt with you apparently. 


"Hey there beautiful, can I get your number?" The demon asked. You ignored him, keeping a hand resting on your sword. It was against the rules to incinerate a demon who didn't strike first, but you were ready. Honestly, you were considering incinerating him just so he would go away even if your supervisor would yell at you the second you reported back.

"Who are you talking to? My supposed guardian angel again?" Your human, Alice, asked. The demon smirked at you and your face scrunched in disgust. Why did she have to summon him? It wasn't your job to make sure she didn't sin, that was out of your pay grade, but you still needed to make sure she didn't die.

"Only the most beautiful person in the entirety of heaven." You rolled your eyes. So far you hadn't even attempted to respond or talk to him in any way. You knew you'd end up saying something stupid and he'd have more ammo to use to make you flustered or uncomfortable.

"Do you think I could summon them? I wanna meet them." Alice asked.

"You better not." You hissed to no one in particular. It was against the rules to reveal yourself to your human and you weren't trying to get fired. The incineration thing would get you yelled at but being revealed would get you fired. 

"Hmm, maybe~!" The demon sang, staring at you. "Hey! You finally talked! What's your name angel?"

"Angels have names? Do you also have a name?" Alice asked.

"Of course we do! I, am Erik. As for the angel, they're trying their hardest to ignore me so we may never know." Erik walked over and poked you. You smacked his hand away and shouldered past him.

"It's against our rules to share our names with humans." You said, glaring at Erik.

"It's against angel rules to share your names. Not my rules. C'mon, at least tell me! Please, pretty angel." Was he... pouting? How undignified. Was this a good enough reason to call in your superior and ask about what you should do? It probably was. You'd make the call once Alice fell asleep.


"Look Y/N, we are severely understaffed right now. Overpopulation and whatnot. Just deal with him. No incinerating, I will come down there to take your sword if I have to. Behave." With that your supervisor hung up. You let out a string of not very angelic curse words before slipping your phone back into your pocket.

"Of course we're understaffed. We're always understaffed. Soon we're gonna have to watch over 3 humans at once." You muttered to yourself, stalking out onto Alice's balcony.

"So, your name is Y/N?" You jumped. You'd forgotten about Erik for one moment. One moment your soul was at peace and you were happy. That moment was gone.

"What do you want?"

"A date with the prettiest angel I've ever met. What do you say?" He grinned at you, offering a hand.

"I have a job to do. Don't you need to get back to hell or something?" You asked. he shrugged.

"Hmm... nah! I'm good. Besides, I refuse to leave before getting your number at least." 

You groaned and considered jumping off the balcony for a second. You had wings so it's not like you'd die and it would get you away from Erik for a second... But you couldn't especially not with Alice here.

"Hmm. I wonder what would happen if there was a gas leak." You turned to Erik.

"Excuse me?" He grinned wider.

"You know, like gas and then a spark and then kaboom? It's not like your human would survive, especially since she's in such a deep sleep."

"Erik. You better not."

"Hmm? What do I get out of it?" He asked, holding up a single match. You couldn't smell gas but knew it was well within his powers to create a gas leak. You had to protect Alice.

"What do you want?" You asked, dreading the answer. Erik grinned and dropped the match, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Can I get your number, beautiful?"

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