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A/N: In the process of writing this, I cut my finger on a bowling ball. No, I will not be elaborating.

When your aunt said she needed help on her farm, you'd forgotten about the spiders.

She owned a small cranberry bog, monitored by wolf spiders and the odd drider helper. Some years, she'd have one, some years just the small spiders.

Not that you were okay with either. Spiders just freaked you out, especially having several trying to crawl up you to escape the flooded bog at harvest time.

It was a reoccurring nightmare of yours since the first time you'd helped. All those legs on you, it made you nauseous to think about.

Your aunts helper this year, Ambrose, seemed to find it absolutely hilarious.

"So what, you're 20, 21 maybe, and you're scared of spiders?" He laughed, his mandibles clicking. "Wow, you're such a baby."

"I am not! You don't get to talk. You are part spider. Of course you wouldn't be afraid of them. One bite, and I'm dead." You said, standing on the edge of the flooded field.

"Are all humans scared of such silly things? Your aunt doesn't seem to mind. Neither do your cousins." He gestured to them, already in the water.

"Well, they grew up doing this. I didn't." You flinched as he moved closer, slowly emerging from the bog.

"Well, stupid human, the spiders listen to me. Even when drowning, one will not be stupid enough to attempt to climb on me." He scooped you up and carried you towards the bog.

"Put me down! No!" He smirked as he plopped you down in the cold water, grinning wider at your little shriek.

"If you stay close, they will leave you alone." He whispered before returning to harvesting the cranberries.

"I would rather take the smaller spiders." You whispered, pitying yourself for having to put up with him.


"Are you still indulging your silly fears? Even after nothing happened yesterday?" He asked, watching you standing on the side.

"Not today. They seem to have caught some sort of cold. Ambrose, if it isn't too much to ask, could you make sure they don't wear themselves out?"

"I don't need a babysitter! I was just gonna study for a little while and then go back to bed." That was a lie. You were gonna lie in bed playing games and ignore being sick until you absolutely had to acknowledge it.

"Of course, Miss. I'll make sure they recover quickly." The look he sent you made you shiver. Looks like you wouldn't be gaming...


"I told you I'm fine. Leave me alone." The second you'd gone back inside, Ambrose had put you down for a nap. Like a child. You were not a child. Now you had woken up and were just trying to eat a random snack in peace.

"Stumbling around like a baby deer does not equal fine in my book." He said. You wondered how he even fit in your aunts tiny kitchen with his part spider body. "I think it's time for another nap. You've eaten, and you're clearly too delirious to take care of yourself."

"I'm not delirious. Stop talking to me like I'm a child. I'm not." You hissed, glaring at him.

"Oh, I know you aren't a child. But with the way you act can you really expect not to be treated like one? Never the matter, we driders take pride in the way we treat our mates. Even if they are a bit stupid. Bed, now."

"I'm not your anything." You muttered, stomping back to your room.

"For now, darling. Just remember that while I'm a bit more lenient than most, any attempt to run away or cheat, perish the thought, will only end poorly for you. You wouldn't like to end up punished, now would you?"

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