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A/N: Blair Witch Project inspired. This is meant to be read as platonic as the reader is a minor in this one shot. Also I'm sick again so that sucks. Hopefully it's just a cold and not Covid.

You weren't the biggest fan of camping. All the bugs and rain and mist made it intolerable for you and utterly miserable. But, it was the only time you got with your mom.

After the divorce, she'd moved away with her new family, too busy to invite you to anything but the weekend camping trips. So, even though you hated them, you knew it was the only way to see her again.

This time you were going somewhere new. Your step siblings talked happily in the middle seat while you sat in the back with the luggage. Your mom and step dad, Jeremy, talked up front as you drove through the dense forest.

"We're meeting Haley, Jean and Marcus there right?" Jeremy asked your mom.

"Yes. They were the ones that recommended this spot to me. It'll be fun to be somewhere new with the kids." When she mentioned her kids you knew she didn't mean you, not really. In her eyes you looked too much like your father. You had his eyes, his hair, his skin. The only thing you had of hers was maybe your nose and lips.

The forest was oddly quiet but you could care less. You were wondering if coming on these trips was even worth it. You'd rather be at home with your dad, even if all his attention went to your stepmom who was currently pregnant and you were an afterthought.

"There they are! Honey, park!" Your mom squealed, waving to her friends. You hadn't really met them before, just heard stories and seen pictures. Haley had two kids with her, around your age. Jean and Marcus appeared child free.

"Haley! It's so good to see you again!" Your mother ran up to Haley and gave her a giant hug. "You too, Jean, Marcus. Any luck with the fertility treatments?"

Jean frowned and her face broke out in an angry blush. Marcus just rolled his eyes and put an arm around his wife. You felt kinda bad for them, your mother had no tact for these things.

"Jeremy! Get the kids out of the car! How long is the hike to the site?"

"Oh! Not far at all, maybe 15 minutes? It's right by this beautiful lake." Haley gushed. You could care less. Water meant weird animals that would try and eat you through your tent at night. You silently grimaced as you got out of the car, stretching. This would be a long weekend.


Your first goal was setting up your tent and the mesh bug protection net. Since you had done 'such an amazing job' and refused to touch the lake your mother made you set up your step siblings' tents as well.

While almost everyone else was swimming or chatting you were sweating up a storm, finishing the tents. It was really hot out and you were starting to feel dizzy when Jean came over with a water.

"You don't look so good. Why don't we get you out of the sun for a bit?" She gently steered you over towards the shady tree line and you borderline collapsed onto the ground. She frowned and handed you the water, feeling your forehead. 

"You're really burning up. Are you sure you don't wanna swim? It'll cool you off."

"I'd rather be hot then get some strange parasite or bacterial infection. Do you know how many weird microbes live in still standing fresh water? And bugs." Jean laughed. 

"I feel the same way, it's why I'm not swimming. Marcus refuses to believe me though." She looked up at the canopy, her face morphing into one of discomfort.

"I'm sorry about what my mom said earlier. She had no right to bring up something so private." You offered, starting to feel a little better. Jean just smiled and ruffled your hair.

"It's alright. Just a hard truth to face. Don't worry, I have Marcus to pick me back up again."

"Y/N! Why are you lazing off over here?! You clearly haven't finished your siblings' tents!" Your mother yelled, storming over. 

"Sorry, I'll go finish up." You didn't try and provide an explanation. All it would be seen as was an excuse and you didn't feel like being yelled at in front of Jean.


Night came quickly and with it the typical summer bugs. You were quick to retreat into your tent the second you had finished dinner, but you weren't asleep. You were just laying there quietly, listening to the adults drink and talk and the campfire crackle.

"Haley, do you still have the trail map?" Jeremy asked. You heard a rustle of clothing.

"No, I gave to to Marcus on the way up."

"Yeah, but I gave it back." Marcus said.

"Are you trying to tell me you lost the map?" Your mother asked.

"Marcus, you're sure you don't have it?" Haley asked.

"No, I don't have the stupid map! Are you trying to accuse me of something?" Marcus asked.

"Well then who else could have it? It couldn't have just grown legs!" Haley yelled. 

"You were the one in charge of the map! I gave you back the map, Haley!" 

"Don't yell! You'll wake up the kids!" Jeremy said.


The next morning you woke up to silence. Leaving your tent you realized your mother, stepdad, step siblings, Haley and her kids were all gone. Jean and Marcus' tent was still there though. 

"Y/N? It's still early." You turned to see Jean and Marcus sitting at the campfire drinking coffee.

"Where... where's my mom?"

"There was a disagreement about the map. They all decided to leave early, hope they found their way back okay..." Jean said.

"They... they left me?" Your voice was on the verge of breaking.

"Unfortunately. But we're discussing leaving early as well. You can come with us." Jean offered.

"But the map, how will we find our way back?" Jean smiled kindly and pulled the same 'missing' map out of her back pocket.

"What they don't know won't hurt them, maybe. Now, how about we take you back to our place and show you what it's like to be a priority for once, hm?"

I finished an entire ending for this story before realizing I forgot to include the prompt... 

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