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A/N: My computer is back! 

The garden was always nice at this time of year. A warm spring breeze gently rustling the trees. The scent of blooming flowers and fresh grass. The majestic marble fountain gently bubbling in the background.

It was picturesque... from the outside at least. You stared off into space from your wheelchair, a soft blanket draped over your lap. A butterfly landed on your right hand, wings gently flapping, but you didn't respond.

You were trapped in your thoughts, eyes blank as you mentally spiraled. Your life had deteriorated so quickly, everything was gone in a second.

A butler silently walked up to you, fixing the blanket before gently moving the chair back towards the manor. Your hour and a half outside was over. You didn't fight to stay outside, even though it was all you wanted at the moment. You'd learned your lesson last time.

It was cold inside. It always seemed to be cold. It was silent minus the sound of the wheelchair and the butler's footsteps. And the clinking of your chains, how could you ever forget those?

It wasn't enough to mentally scar you. It wasn't enough to cut both of your achilles tendons so you couldn't walk anymore. They also had to chain you to the wheelchair to eliminate any kind of hope.

Ahead of you the door to the dining room opened and you were wheeled inside. They were already sitting at the table, talking about something you couldn't care to catch, and only looked up when you were wheeled to your place.

"You said giving them an extra half hour outside would help. They look just as dead as they did before." Terry hissed. Kiara rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a miracle worker. I said it might help. Besides, they aren't really dead." She answered, taking a sip of her drink. The chef soon entered, placing three plates down on the table before retreating. Terry and Kiara both started to eat while you just sat there. Your mind refused to be present in the moment and accept hopelessness.

"They aren't eating." Kiara eventually noticed.

"No, they aren't."

You didn't react until Terry reached toward you, violently flinching away. He frowned before placing his hand on your forehead.

"I don't think they're sick. No fever." He said. 

"They're clearly not all there right now. Here, open up." Kiara picked up your utensils, carefully lifting a bite to your lips. You slowly took it, but it seemed tasteless. Kiara gently fed you before finishing up herself.

"What do we do? Looking at them and seeing that is depressing." Terry asked.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking of taking them out for some more time in the garden, you remember how they used to adore it. I'm also going to remove these." Kiara pointed at your chained hands. "They can barely move as it is so these are overkill."

"They did always love it out there..." Terry said. He stood up, tossing the handcuff key to Kiara. She gently unlocked the cuffs.

"Terry!" Your wrists were raw, some areas were scarred and some were starting to swell. You hadn't tugged at the cuffs since they'd first been put on but they hadn't been unlocked in a while. 

You sat there while they fussed over you, a butler fetching a med kit. This situation... you guessed it was kind of hilarious. You almost wanted to smile... Maybe, maybe if you tried hard enough they'd fuss over you so much you could sit in the garden all day. That would be a true paradise.

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