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A/N:Sorry for any formatting issues! My computer is dead so this chapter was written on my phone which is also why it's shorter than normal.

It had been a long time since he last noticed a bounce in your step. Your eyes weren't as lively, and your beautiful smile was missing.

It was a punch to the gut. How could his sweetheart be so miserable? How could the world allow an angel to suffer like this?

So, he did what he did best. He dug deeper, finding friends and family. He observed your interactions with your coworkers.

He started to fix things. If the world wouldn't make things right, then he would. He could be your silent protector, always watching out for you.

First, he went after Sam from Marketing. He was always a creep and a flirt. Couldn't he see that you were already in love when you turned him down? Obviously, Sam didn't know about him being your silent protector, but oh well.

Next was Nancy from HR. She had never taken your suggestions seriously. That was clearly a crime. Couldn't she see that you were a diety walking among men?

But it wasn't helping you get better. In fact, you seemed worse. Persistent eye bags and anxious glances. Was something wrong? Were you sick? Clearly, you weren't okay.

He realized what it was when he walked by your cubicle and overheard you talking with one of your best friends. He knew this from the hours spent stalking your social media accounts.

"I... I think I'm being stalked." His blood ran cold. Stalked? But how? He's been following you everywhere to keep you safe. Surely he would've noticed by now.

"I've been seeing someone in a black hoodie following me lately. My accounts keep getting huge waves of likes, even really old pictures, like someone's just scrolling. I'm scared to go home, to be alone. I just know someone's watching me." You continued. Those were very specific details. So you really were getting stalked? Those all sounded like things he did daily, but you weren't talking about him! You two were in love. Just both of you were too shy to confess.

He swears if he ever sees your stalker they won't walk out of the altercation at  all. They'll be wishing they were dead after he is through with them.

But for now, he promises to keep an eye out and stay vigilant. For you. Always for you...

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