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A/N: This story was inspired by the greek myth of Zeus and Danae. A quick summary if you aren't familiar, Danae is locked away by her father and Zeus visits her as a shower of golden light and gets her pregnant with the hero Perseus.

It was quiet in your cell. Quiet, cold and dark. The only interaction you had anymore was with the guards who brought you food and spared only brief, pitying glances. There was nothing to be done about your situation but wait and hope someday you'd find mercy at the hands of the god of the dead.

Your reason for imprisonment was stupid. You were the firstborn, heir to the throne and the most scrutinized of all your siblings. All the responsibilities fell into your hands. You were ready, ready for the crown, when the allegations came out.

Your younger brother, a half sibling and second in line for the throne, had accused you of attempting to murder his pregnant wife. Despite the fact that there were few eyewitness accounts of the event, and numerous stories proving you were somewhere else entirely, your father had made his choice.

Now Darius was to become the next king while you lay forgotten in a dingy cell. Your clothes were dirty and tattered and you had long since lost track of the days and nights. Until, a new sound had entered your cell. After so long in the quiet you almost cried at the quiet dripping, creating a small puddle on the floor. Maybe you'd be able to wash the dirt and tears off your face.

However, when you kneeled over the puddle, it glowed with blue light and echoed a voice through the stone room.

"I was wondering where you had gone. Have you forgotten to honor your sea god this year? I have received nothing from your kingdom." The sea god, Callum, was said to be very meticulous in rewarding those who gave him offerings and punishing those who forgot. You really hoped he'd listen and not blame you like everyone else.

"I apologize, mighty lord of the seas. It is something removed from my control. My brother, Darius, is the one who forgot your offering."

"Are you not the heir? The one who is set to rule after your father? It is entirely your job."

"Not anymore." You whispered. You would never plan a ceremony again, never see your people again, never see the sun or swim in the sea again. Now, you were stuck here until you died or were married off to whomever your father saw fit.

"Then enlighten me to what exactly happened to leave your brother in charge if he cannot remember to honor me on my birthday." If what the sea god was saying was true you'd been down here for a month. You'd been indicted right before you'd start planning for the sea god's celebration, a month before the date.

You explained your story to the god, laying back on the dirty stone floor and staring at the ceiling. It was painful to recall, even more so to retell. It left you feeling vulnerable and betrayed. However, the sea god seemed to take your side, listening intently and whispering praise when you stalled.

"What a tragic existence, you deserve so much better than what you've been given." The sea god finally said. "I'm sure you'd make for an amazing ruler. Alas, your fool of a brother still must be punished. Such a slight against me will not be forgotten."

"Wait! Please, please don't hurt my people! It's my brother's fault they couldn't make their offerings, not theirs. Please." You were no longer above begging, your etiquette forgotten, the sea god was quiet for a moment.

"Your people... will be spared just this once. The next time this happens, I will not be so merciful. I will be back, wait for me." With that the drip stopped, the water stopped glowing and the puddle seeped through the cracked stone floor, leaving you alone again.


"They're clearly a witch! Trying their hardest to collapse this empire! But we will not let them! Lets see how the sea god treats his slackers!" You awoke to being dragged out of your cell by an angry mob. They hit you, punched you, bruised you. You were dragged out of the castle and towards the high cliffs, paling at the sea below.

"The sea is angry today! You see what you've done you murderer?!" Your brother yelled, beside him his wife smirked at you. Your father was there as well, glaring into your soul. You were about to die.

Your left arm was dislocated and your ankle sprained from the abuse inflicted by your people. The people you'd pleaded with the sea god to save. The people you'd watched over while training to be the next ruler. Were these truly your people?

"Sacrifice them! Make sure they realize what happens when they disobey the gods!" Your brother commanded. All it took was a push and you fell. You weren't sure if you screamed or not but you never made it to the water, a pair of firm arms gently plucking you from the air.

"Just what do you utter fools think you're doing?" It was Callum, who held you so protectively in his arms you could actually face the crowd. Underneath him was a pillar of water, extending high enough so he was level with the top of the cliff. The people bowed, and Callum let out an angry growl.

"I asked what you think you were doing, not how well you can grovel! It seems all the brains in this capitol left with the rightful heir. I have received offerings from all your other cities, except for this one. What explanation do you have for that?" He demanded. Your father paled as he sat up and your brother looked confused before catching your eyes.

"Its... Y/N normally does that. Darius is new you see and he-!" Your father tried to explain.

"He forgot? He ignored his duties? Is that really something wise to tell a god. You're lucky I'm not as hotheaded as Arion. He would've killed you for such disrespect." Upon the mention of his name the wind god sent a powerful gust to knock your father back down.

"You're lucky I have promised not to destroy your foolish city. I will be taking my leave now, with my offering." Callum was clearly ready to leave when Darius foolishly called out.

"That's what you get for your silly assassination attempt!"

"For the record," Callum gritted out, his hold on your tightening. "Your sibling here is completely 100% innocent, something we both know. It will not take long for you to realize what you have lost, because while I have a promise not to destroy your city for now, that will not stop my siblings if you choose to dishonor them. Now, I have a ceremony to prepare for."

Callum grinned down at you in his arms. "How do you feel about becoming empress of the seas my little ruler?"

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