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A/N: Platonic yandere. Short chapter because I only got 4 hours of sleep and am exhausted right now. Inspired by Little Red Riding Hood.

You were on your way to visit your grandparents. Your mom and dad had been fighting again and wanted you out of the house so you didn't have to hear it.

It was a chilly spring day and you kept your sweater buttoned up as you walked the familiar path. You'd done this before, just never alone. Your bag, which had some snacks in it, wasn't too heavy but still weighed a bit. 

You had already been warned by both your parents to stay on the path. There had been sightings of a giant beast deeper in the woods and the hunters were out daily trying to end it. You were cautious but weren't too worried about it. What was the likelihood you'd come across it anyway?

You had stayed on the path but you were starting to get hungry. You didn't really wanna walk while eating your snacks. That was when you spotted a pretty field of wildflowers through the trees. You could still see the path from it so you decided to sit there and eat.

The bees were buzzing and the entire field smelled lovely and sweet. That combined with the heat as the sun climbed further and further made you sleepy. Before you'd even recognized what was happening you were dozing off.


Robert grinned as he emerged from the tree line. It was so easy to join a hunting party to hunt down this 'beast'. No one even questioned him about where he came from. Instead they'd welcomed him, stupidly. They were dead now. They would be hunting down no more werewolves, ever. 

It was late afternoon, a beautiful day he decided. It was only once he'd emerged onto the path did he see the small figure napping in the field through the trees. Stealthily approaching he watched as you calmly slept, oblivious to everything around you.

Stupid pup, he decided. You wouldn't survive long in the world that way. You were letting down your guard to easily. Now if he was your father, you'd be able to do so safely, knowing you had a protector. You seemed alone though, he could smell no hunters nearby.

He watched you for a moment before stepping off the path with a smirk, striding towards the flower field. He'd teach his stupid pup just how much they needed a protective father to keep them safe from the big bad world.

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