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A/N: I'm back on my computer! All I could think of for inspiration was A Series of Unfortunate Events, so this is inspired by that. I'm supposed to get my flu shot and covid booster tomorrow so I'll try my best to keep up with updating!

You grinned as you walked along the beach, collecting sea shells. It was a cloudy day, which was perfect because it meant the beach was pretty empty. There were a couple of runners and some people walking their dogs but other than that it was silent. You were humming some tune that was stuck in your head when your phone rang.

"Hello? Y/N speaking." You knelt down to pick up a pretty conch shell.

"Y/N L/N, right? I'm calling from the coroner's office. The mall collapsed and we need you to come and identify the bodies of your parents." The bucket of seashells slipped off your arm, some of them shattering as they hit the sand.

"W- what?"

"I'm sorry and I know this must come as a shock. We have counselors ready here and would appreciate if you could come soon." You were moving before you realized it, dashing for your car. The drive was quick and not very safe, you weren't sure if you even remembered your seatbelt.

You just nodded when the coroner had asked you if it was them. Your parents were lying there, parts of their body covered where they had gruesome injuries. Your parents were dead. Even if you didn't have the best relationship with them, you still didn't wish death upon them.

You were in a daze through funeral planning. It wasn't until their will was read did you finally snap out of it. Your parents weren't filthy rich but they had money. Your dad was a successful entrepreneur and your mother was a top tier defense attorney.

"Y/N L/N is required to marry a candidate off the provided list to receive the full inheritance of our fortune. If they refuse they are to receive nothing." The man reading the wills announced. Your face morphed into one of shock and then anger. You thought your parents had changed but it seems not. 

You needed the money. College was killing you and you'd been living off crappy ramen for weeks at this point. All because your parent's didn't agree with your major and not wanting to get married right out of high school like they did.

"Not only are they an art major but they aren't even starting a family? They're going to hate their life the second they turn 25." Your father had once said. The unlike towards marriage was watching what your parents' had become. You watched how they hated each other but stayed for the looks and the money. Screaming fights were normal through your childhood.

"Out of the list of candidates there is only one who was willing to accept. The others are either married already or not interested." The lawyer said, pushing a resume over to you. Immediately your face scrunched up in disgust and anger.

Of course they added him to that list. He was the son of one of their friends, way wealthier than anyone could imagine. On top of that, he was a creep and a weirdo. He used to follow you around and send you weird gifts and pictures. He made you so uncomfortable but no one ever noticed or cared.

You genuinely considered walking out. You were about to when the thought of eating another packet of dollar store ramen in your crappy roach infested apartment made your stomach turn. From what little you'd heard about him now, he was an extremely busy CEO who hopefully would be gone most of the time.

Maybe you'd actually be able to eat nice for the first time in a while? At least buy some quality art supplies for yourself.


"I'm so glad you accepted! I've missed you so so so much darling! Why did you stop seeing me?" In front of you, pouting like a child, was your new fiancee. Julian Astor hadn't changed a bit since the last time you saw him, except for his height. He now towered over you instead of being a couple of inches taller.

"I was really busy with school. I still am-!" 

"Oh, I know! You draw such lovely things and I love your paintings! I already set aside a room for you and your art things! Come in, come in! I'll have my butler get your bags!" Julian took you by the hand and dragged you up a grand staircase. 

"It's been so long. I think last time I saw you was right before I went away to boarding school! That was... maybe 9 years ago? But I always kept up with you!" He went on and on. Taking you from room to room. Before finally stopping at a door.

"This is your room, only temporarily though. Once we get married, you'll move into our room!" He pointed at the door right next-door to your room. "There's an attached bathroom, but you can explore that later!"

Next he led you across the hall and thrust open another door. The room had a large bay window giving you a lovely view of the ocean and a strip of the beach you'd been walking down when you got the news of your parents' passing. The room was full of easels and art supplies. There was a large drawing table and all the supplies you could imagine. Even a few tablets for digital artwork.

"This, all of this is yours. It was always meant to be yours." He gently takes your left hand, sliding on a ring. It wasn't as hideous as you expected. It was a simple silver one with a nice carving and a few small gems inlaid.

"I'm so glad you've finally come around! I've been waiting for the day you came back to me... Oh! I forgot to show you the kitchen! Let's go." Julian smiles as he sees the longing gaze you send back at the art room. He knew it was perfect, he was a perfect provider for you. All it took for you to realize was charming your parents into editing their will and the downtown mall collapsing. But, you would never need to know that. He promises to make you the happiest person in the world, if you let him.

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