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A/N: Platonic yandere! As a heads up, tomorrow's post will likely be another one written on my phone due to extenuating circumstances.

You hated the bank. Not only was it always slow but it was usually way cooler or hotter than it needed to be. Not to mention your mother took forever to get her business done by flirting with the tellers.

Today was no different, you were glaring at the floor while your mom talked. Your coat was scratchy and unnecessary with the heating in the building. You were miserable and no one was paying attention to you.

"Momma, can we go yet?" You asked, tugging at her skirt. She slapped your hand away.

"Not yet, Y/N. Mommy's busy so hush." She chastised. You went back to kicking your feet and staring at the floor. When you finally looked around the bank again your eyes were drawn to a man standing by the wall, watching you. Seeing as your mother wasn't giving you attention you walked over to him.

"Hi." The man looked at you quizzically.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers, kid?" He asked. The man was wearing a fancy suit, he couldn't be comfortable with how hot it was.

"Probably. Aren't you hot?" The man laughed.

"Yeah, kid. A little. I'm sure you're burning up in that coat though." You nodded.

"It's itchy too!" You held out a sleeve for him to feel. He nodded along with you once he felt it.

"Wow, that is really itchy. Why don't you take it off then?"

"Because mom would get mad." You answered. 

"Why would she get mad?"

"Well, it's my only nice coat. She says that you have to look nice when you go to the bank. Also, last time I took off a coat I lost it." You said, playing with the sleeve. The man nodded sympathetically.

"Ah, I get it. Your mother seems to be finishing up, why don't you go back to her?" True enough your mother was finally done and looking for you.

"Okay. Bye bye mister!" You ran back towards your mother, oblivious to the eyes following you.


The next time you saw the man was under way different circumstances. It had been another day of being dragged to the bank. You were waiting by your mom again, picking at your itchy coat, when a gang of masked, gun wielding guys had burst into the bank.

You knew what a gun was and that it was dangerous so you followed your mother when she lay facedown on the floor. You were scared and uncomfortable. Those factors combined was causing tears to run down your face as you wanted to throw a tantrum. But the men had said to be quiet, so you were quiet.

When the gang had finally gotten their cash and were on their way out you yelped as someone picked you up. Staring into the eyes of the mask you finally started to sob, squirming around in his arms. The man expertly wrangled you and carried you out of the bank to a waiting car. 

Your head was spinning from the heat and crying hysterically. The man's attempts to shush you did nothing as you slowly cried yourself to unconsciousness. 


You were laying somewhere soft. It was strange, your bed was never this soft. On top of that, your apartment was never this warm in the winter. You blearily opened your eyes, sitting up slowly.

You were in a bedroom, but it wasn't yours or your mom's room. The sheets were soft and made of fine materials. The mattress felt like a cloud under you and the pillows weren't lumpy.

"There you are. You worried me passing out like that." You flinched, seeing an unfamiliar man sitting at the bedside. Wait... no he was familiar. He was the man you'd talked to in the bank a week ago. The bank...

You stumbled back, frantically looking around. This room no longer felt warm and safe, it was dangerous and unknown. The man frowned, carefully approaching you.

"Careful, sweetie, you might fall off. Come here, I have some water for you." He gently picked you up, ignoring your whine as he settled you in his lap.

"Where am I?" You asked.


"But what about my mom?" The man frowned, gently pushing a glass of water into your hands.

"You don't need to worry about her anymore. I'm here now, your dad."

"I don't have a dad." You said, taking a tiny sip. You gulped down the rest of the water once your brain registered just how thirsty you were.

"You do now, sweetie. And trust me, I'm not gonna let you go. No, you're gonna live a nice life here. No more scratchy coats, dad promises."

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