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A/N: writing this on my phone, exhausted while at a bowling alley. Apologies for any mistakes or formatting issues. This is also probably gonna be shorter. Also platonic yandere.

"Y/N, are you sure that's safe to eat?" Your cousin, Sasha, asked, pointing at your plate, which was covered in hot sauce.

"Yeah? I really like spicy food." You said, picking up your fork.

"That. Isn't. Food. That is hell on a plate." Sasha protested. Then again, she thought that pepper was spicy. Just like any other picky 7 year old.

"Wanna try it?" You offered your fork to her, and she shrieked, trying to escape as you followed her.

"Y/N! Stop it!" Sasha giggled as she darted out of the kitchen, food abandoned. You smiled and went back to eating your food, watching as she stared from the doorway.

"Y/N, how are you, sweetheart?" Your aunt asked. She gently pushed Sasha back toward her lunch as she set down her groceries.

"It's okay. Mom's new boyfriend is a bit weird." You grimaced at the thought of him. Harry really was a creep.

"If there's one constant in this changing world, it's my sister-in-law's taste in weird men. Including my brother." Your bio dad was currently somewhere unknown, probably running from police. You certainly hadn't heard from him in years.

"You can say that again." You finished your delicious chicken curry while Sasha stared at you in awe over her plain bowtie pasta.

The peaceful moment was interrupted by the doorbell. You let out a groan, slumping in your chair. "Can you tell her I ran away to join the circus?"

"Nice try, but no. Say goodbye to your cousin Sasha."

"But I don't want Y/N to go!" Sasha whined, clinging onto your pants. "I'll die of boredom

"Mhm. Guess you'll just have to die then." Sasha dramatically gasped before falling to the floor playing dead. The doorbell rang again.

Your aunt herded you over, opening the door to reveal your mom... and Harry. Your aunt, being the person she was, smiled anyway.

"Hey, Jen. Sorry to keep them so long. It was lovely to have you over. Come again soon, hm? I'm sure Sasha would enjoy it." Your mom just smiled and waved it off. There were goodbyes, and then your mom led you towards the car.

"We're gonna stop somewhere to get dinner. Want anything?" Your mom asked.

"Maybe something spicy?" Harry suggested, catching your eye in the rear view mirror. That's weird, you never told Harry you liked spicy food.

"Y/N loves spicy food! Just... just like her father..." Your mother was clearly thinking about your sperm donor. Harry grinned.

"Yes. Just like her father."


The deliciousness of your tacos was overshadowed by Harry. He kept on watching you. He'd ordered a burrito with the spicyest hot sauce the place had.

He kept uncomfortable eye contact throughout the whole meal.

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