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♤ Living in a small cottage an hour drive away from the nearest town or village. You made a living through paintings and digital art.

♡ One day you hear a howling from outside in the middle of the night. Despite the incoming snowstorm, you decide to peek out and see what it is.

♢ You see an injured wolf, it looks pretty young. There's blood around it's paws and it whines pitifully at you.

♧ You take the small animal inside and shelter it from the snowstorm, helping to heal the pup back to full health. It was nice to have some company instead of being all alone. Maybe you'll adopt a dog after this.

♤ Once the storm passes you let the little wolf out and it runs into the forest. You're convinced you'll never see it again. It was a bit sad but it was still a wild animal, it was your fault for growing attached.

♡ The next day the little wolf came back... but not alone. It brought a bigger wolf with it, maybe its parent? You, not being an idiot, stayed inside. You didn't want to become wolf food because you got between a parent and baby.

♢ One day when you had to leave your house for groceries the bigger wolf tackles you, sniffing you all over. The little wolf happily yips and licks your face while you try and decide what the best course of action is.

♧ Eventually you decide to just lay there and let them do whatever. Eventually you get them off of you and you go clean up really quick before getting your groceries.

♤ They're still waiting for you when you get back, staring into your soul as you open your front door. You really can't let them in. You shouldn't...

♡ You let them inside. You had to do it. They were giving you literal puppy dog eyes.

♢ After playing with them for a bit you head to bed, instantly being covered in a nest of fluffy fur. Maybe they weren't so bad...


❁ Killian wasn't sure what to expect when his pup went missing the day of a snowstorm. He'd spent the entire time praying that the moon would lead his darling daughter back home to him.

❁When she'd run into the den the day the snow stopped he'd cried. Hugging her tight as she changed back to human form. He'd never wanted to let her go again.

❁Then she'd told him about you. A kind human who'd helped her when she injured her leg, who kept her warm and safe.

❁ "You should meet them dad! You guys can fall in love!" She had cheered. Killian had promised to consider it, internally scoffing. He would never love a human...

❁Then he'd seen you. You were amazing. He watched you behind the glass, watching him and Leia standing outside.

❁When you'd finally come out and he'd smelled you he couldn't resist. You smelled like home, like coffee and mint. Leia licked your face, and his heart melted as you docilely let her. You were perfect.

❁When you'd gotten back with your food they'd been waiting, Leia giving you her best puppy dog eyes. They always worked.

❁Now as he cuddled with you, snuggling close, he wondered what you'd do if he changed back to his human form. What you'd do when he removed you from everything you'd ever known...

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