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Dreams had never really meant anything to you. You usually had those ones where you forget them the second you wake up. But this wasn't the case now.

You'd been having the same reoccurring dream for months on end now. Not to mention that you remembered it down to the smallest detail. From the color of your outfit to the smell of flowers that followed you around.

The dream always started the same. You woke up in a golden bed inside a small gazebo. Your outfit was always a white tunic and brown pants, you never had any shoes or socks. Outside the gazebo was a beautiful, warm meadow.

Bees buzzed in the air lazily, never a threat to you as you wandered. Small chittering fairies would track you down at some point, gifting you a beautiful flower crown.  

You could wander wherever you wanted inside of the meadow but there was a border you could never manage to cross. There were a line of icy blue flowers that almost resembled snow drops or foxglove. You physically could not force yourself to cross them into the forest beyond. 

However the end of the dream was beginning to change. At the beginning, you could find your way out by falling asleep in the meadow. Then in the same golden bed you woke up in. However, the gazebo has been changing, hiding the bed within new rooms and hallways. It was becoming harder and harder to wake yourself up. 

These last few days your inability to find the bed had caused you to oversleep. You hadn't even heard your alarm at all, hadn't flinched or woken up in the slightest. Your roommates were becoming more intrigued every time it happened, so they proposed your current situation.

You were lying down on the rug in the living room while they stared at you from the couch.

"Just sleep. We'll try and wake you up at 9:00 tomorrow because it's a Sunday. We're right here." Your first roommate promised. You really hoped they would be able to wake you the following morning.


The meadow was just as warm as normal. So safe and inviting, drawing you in with it's sweet perfumes and natural ambiance. However, you were done being asleep. Wandering back into the gazebo you found a stone hallway with a lit torch waiting by the entrance.

The hallway was long and cold, it made you yearn for the meadow, but you pushed on. Your torch flickered as a freezing wind blew through the corridor. Your torch flickered but didn't go out, thankfully. It might be a dream but you don't want to be stuck in the pitch dark trying to find a stupid bed so you could wake up.

After 10 minutes of walking you didn't feel any more tired than when you started, something you'd realized about this dream. You never felt tired or hungry. It was kind of scary to you. 10 more minutes of walking and you were shivering and freezing. Your torch was constantly flickering. 

When you finally caught sight of a door a little in front of you, your torch finally blew out. You stumbled towards it in the dark, flinging it open. You were back in the meadow? Walking out of the corridor you turned around to see the gazebo. This hadn't happened before, where was the bed?

"You finally found your way here. Hello darling, welcome home." Turning back around you saw a man standing there. His lips were painted with some kind of golden lipstick, they matched his similarly colored eyes. He smiled and held out a hand for you.

"Home? Do you know where the bed is? I need to wake up." This was the first time seeing another person in this dream and you were a bit suspicious.

"Why would you need the bed? You have all of this, sweetheart." He gestured at the vast and colorful meadow.

"No. I need to wake up. My roommates are waiting for me." The man smiled at you but shook his head.

"Well, I've had to wait for you for an eternity. I'm sure they'll manage the rest of their short human lives." You froze.


"Come on darling. We have an eternity to spend together. Lets not start off on the wrong foot, hm?"

𝕎ℝ𝕀𝕋𝔼𝕋𝕆𝔹𝔼ℝ 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟛Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora