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Thank you LauraLinse-Goodson for your likes and support. :) I hope you enjoy this chapter! This also goes to all my readers! :)

Nessa xx

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It’s been two months since I gave birth to Gregg and now he is rolling around to his tummy. Alexis had been so happy when Gregg did it the first time. At first she got scared and starts screaming for me.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was cooking dinner and I left Alexis and Gregg in the living room to play after her school. From the kitchen I can hear Gregg constant laughing and Alexis making funny noises for her little brother and the next thing I knew she’s screaming ‘mum’ at the top of her lungs. In instinct I run to the living room thinking the works possible that happen.

The first thing Alexis told me was “there’s something wrong with Gregg!” I walk around her and saw Gregg trying his best to roll to his tummy and that all happen about a week ago. I explain everything to Alexis and now she even encourages Gregg.

Now it’s the early October and everyone is getting ready for winter by the end of November. Brian had been working overtime at the working site to finish the extension of the school before winter hits. This however is bad news to me. I have to do all the preserving by myself and take care of Gregg at the same time.

Gregg isn’t a fussy baby, like Lily’s brother Jan. When he was just the same month as Gregg, I used to look after him but he tends to cry a lot while Gregg only laughs or play by himself. The only time I hear him cry is when he’s hungry or want a nappy change. He isn’t really a problem at the moment but I fear that when he starts crawling – it looks like it will be soon – my hands will be full.

“Alexis, can you take a look if your brother’s awake?” I ask as I gently put the preserved peaches in a bottle. Alexis got up from the floor – where she prefers to do her homework – and walked to the living room quietly. A few minutes later she came back and shakes her head ‘no’ before going back to her homework.

“Mommy, are you alright?” Alexis suddenly ask.

I looked at my little girl who was still focusing on her homework. “Of course I am, why do you ask?” I frown as I continue what I was doing.

“You seem different.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Not really, but there something about you though that seems to change.” She said. I was about to ask what she meant when the door open and Alexis jumps and run off. I shake my head and thought, ‘if that was Alex, will she do the same thing?’

“I finally got to go home early!” Brian said as quietly as he can. “I’ll cook dinner tonight, you go and rest.”

I smile at the thought. “Finally” I said and gave him a kiss. I quickly wash my hands and put the sealed peaches at the storage before running upstairs for some clean clothes. I started humming on my way up and for some odd reason, I been in a happy mood since morning and it seems like it will last for the rest of the night.

Or so I thought.

I soon as the smell of cooking meat hit my nose, I started to feel sick. My stomach twist and the feeling of my snack going up was not something I wanted to feel. Brian must have felt my distress as he run upstairs and was now kneeling next to me.

“Are you alright?” He asks as he gently lifts me off the floor and lay me in bed. “You look really pale.”

“I feel dizzy and I don’t really feel too good.” I confess as sigh in relief when my body hit the covers.

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