Twisted Fate

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Dedicated to hopelove7 for being my number one fan! - that's what she said anyway :) haha

Yo! Please read this! hehe

I’m back! Hehe

Just wanna let you all know that this is the final story/book of Hidden Truth series! Whoooo! But I’m also planning to write a story about Rosewood family – that’s only an idea at the moment but will soon find out if I can write that story but it will be a vampire story not werewolf.

Tell me what you guys think! Please! So comment below!

The same rules apply. If you want a next day update 10 VOTES is needed! But you don’t need too vote but my usual update without votes is Mondays and Fridays. :)

Also new rule! The one who comments below and I found their comment entertaining will have a dedication! :) 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and its Brian’s POV and the date is set 4 years later!


Nessa xx

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“Alexis! Hurry up or you’ll be late for school!” Cherry yelled at the bottom of the stairs.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” Alexis yelled back to her mother and followed by running footsteps. “Jeez mum! No need to yell.” Alexis drop her bag next to the table and sat down for breakfast. “Morning dad!”

“Morning, pumpkin.” I greeted and let Alexis kiss my cheeks like she always do.

“How come he gets a kiss and I don’t?” Cherry asks serving Alexis a plate of eggs and toasts.

“Because you were yelling at me.” Alexis said with a matter-of-fact voice. Cherry stuck a tongue out at Alexis who did the same before both of them start giggling. I watch as the two of them start teasing each other but I couldn’t help but notice the resemblance of Alexis and her real father and my old friend, Alex.

Alexis have her mother’s wavy hair and her fair skin but the rest were her father’s features. It’s obvious that she’ll be beautiful when she grows up and I may not be her real father but I know Alex and I will agree on chasing them away from Alexis.

“Honey, are you listening?” Cherry asks me with one raise eyebrow while Alexis giggled.

“Ooooooooh, that is in trouble again!” Alexis said with tsk-ing sound.

Did I mention that this girl is actually smart like really smart?

“You were on about feeding the cows, pigs, chicken and the goats and then water the plants.” I said with a smirk. Alexis giggles and open her mouth to say something to Cherry but shut it when Cherry sent her a pointed look. “Shouldn’t you guys hurry? School starts in about ten minutes.”

Cherry looked at me in horror before grabbing all of her things as well as Alexis’ bag before mumbling more things for me to do in the house as I walk them out of the house. “Bye honey.” Cherry said before giving me a quick peck on the lips while Alexis give me a kiss on the cheeks.

I watch as the two left hurriedly. The smile on my face was soon replaced with a frown as I looked at the house across to ours before rubbing my eyes. “I must be imagining things.” I mumble to myself as I close the door behind me. “But I swear, I thought I saw Alex standing there.”

I sigh and pushed that thought behind my mind. “Time to work!” I cheered.

Four years ago, Cherry and I struggled to cop with the lifestyle here. There’s no electricity, there’s no stove and everything is handmade. But now, we were able to adjust after a year hard work. Cherry now work as a teacher of spells and charm at the school while I work as a farmer and a builder if need for lifting heavy materials.

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