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The next few years were traumatic for Shivu. Both AK and Shivu were growing immensely career wise but she continued to feel the void. AK did everything he could. Although he was not someone who believed in rituals, he agreed to do every puja that Shivu wanted. She was helpless so she listened ti anything and everything that people would say. She fasted, went to every temple from Kasi to Kanyakumari. She tried different diets. Although AK knew that sometimes she was being ridiculous, he did not say a word against it because he knew she was trying to find her peace. The least he could do was to be her support system.

Five years flew by, they had stopped going to parties and even family functions because every one would ask her mercilessly if they were "Planning" to start a family soon. Rumours of their divorce to AK being impotent were going viral. They had handed over their social media pages to a PR company to handle because it was just disgusting and disrespectful. They had tried every possible medication too. Even being physically intimate had become monotonous. She would time it based on ovulation and it was a mechanical process. In her desperation to have a baby, Shivu had forgotten all about AK. He wanted to do anything that would give him back his Shivu maa. He knew she was there and with patience, he will get her back. He was willing to wait.

One afternoon, AK and Shivu were sitting at Dr. Gayathri's clinic. She sighed and said, "Shivathmika, we have tried everyth8ng except one but I don't know if you are up for it. It is not easy and I am not sure if it will work but there is no harm trying." Shivu did not even glance at AK and promptly said, "Anything Doctor. We will try anything. I know adoption is an option but Neenga sollunga." Dr. Gayathri frowned and said, "IVF in lay man term, test tube baby nu solluvaanga. We will get your egg and his sperm. We will let them fertile in the lab and then put it back in your womb for it to grow there. It here is definitely risks involved. First of all we don't know what the chances are, even if they make it, you will most likely have multiple babies and the chance of them making to full term is also a 70/30. We can be optimistic though and give it a try. It is expensive."  Shivu nodded. She did not want to give it a second thought and said, "Lets do it." AK felt a little hurt that she did not even want his opinion.

On their drive back home AK was about to bring that up but, after years, he saw a smile on Shivu's face. She looked at him and said, " I feel this will work AK. I feel good about this. Romba naal ku apparam positive aa thonudhu." He touched the top of her head and said, "Kandippa maa. Nee happy ya irukke le? Adhu podhum."

The next few months were a little stressful but finally they got the good news from Dr. Gayathri, "Congrats Shivathmika, we did it. You are pregnant. Eight weeks and so far so good. Take care of yourself. Careful aa irunga and namba monthly check up pannalaam. Congrats AK and good luck." Shivu was the happiest woman now. She crossed the 3 months threshold and her morning sickness was getting better too. She took a break from work and took care of herself. AK also cut down on his work to spend more time with Shivu. It was during her 5th month ultrasound that they found out that they were having twins. Shivu's joy knew no bounds. She winked at AK and said, "Ennoda paiyannum unga ponnum serndhu varaanga paarunga." He kissed her forehead and smiled.

Shivu was thrilled but AK was worried. He could only pray that everything goes well, at least for the sake of his Shivu maa.

Brinda Subramanian

Hope Believe MagicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora